Michael Moore: Biden's Mishandling of Israel Conflict Could Cost Him the Election

Liberal activist Michael Moore warns President Biden that his stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict is alienating young voters and could cost him the November election.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore says Biden is ‘completely misinformed,’ defends anti-Israel protesters

Liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore has launched a scathing attack on President Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, claiming that it could cost him the November election.

In a recent episode of his "Rumble" podcast, Moore accused Biden of being "clueless" about what is happening at anti-Israel demonstrations across the country. He also criticized Biden for waiting nine days to give an on-camera comment on the protests and for declining to send in the National Guard to restore order.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore says Biden is ‘completely misinformed,’ defends anti-Israel protesters

Moore, who has vigorously defended anti-Israel college protesters, is among Biden's critics on the left. He accused Biden of "sending money to a regime that is slaughtering innocent civilians" in Gaza and said that the president is "not letting Trump back in the Oval Office, [but] we're also not going to let Biden get away with this."

Moore also warned that Biden's support for Israel could cost him the November election. He cited a growing number of Palestinians in Dearborn, Michigan, and other places in the state who have suggested they will drop their support of him if he continues to support Israel's military operations in Gaza.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore says Biden is ‘completely misinformed,’ defends anti-Israel protesters

Michigan is seen by many as a "must win" state for Biden this November after he narrowly won there by less than 3 points. Moore, a Michigan native, insisted that he was trying to "save" Biden from himself.

"We're going to lose the election. We're going to lose Michigan if President Biden doesn't turn this around," Moore said.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore says Biden is ‘completely misinformed,’ defends anti-Israel protesters

Moore's comments come as Biden faces increasing pressure from both sides of the aisle over his response to the anti-Israel protests. Some Democrats have criticized Biden for not doing enough to condemn the violence, while some Republicans have accused him of being too quick to demonize protesters.

The Biden administration has defended its handling of the protests, saying that it is committed to protecting the right to free speech while also ensuring the safety of all Americans. However, the administration has been criticized for not taking a stronger stance against antisemitism and for not doing more to address the underlying causes of the conflict.

As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, it remains to be seen how it will impact Biden's approval ratings and his chances of re-election. However, Moore's comments suggest that the issue could be a significant liability for Biden in the upcoming election.

In addition to his comments on Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, Moore also criticized Biden for his recent comments on the state of the country. Biden said that the United States is now a "lawless" country when responding to the anti-Israel agitators.

Moore argued that Biden's comments were inaccurate and that the United States is not a lawless country. He also accused Biden of helping Israel to "score political points" and of overreacting to the protests.

Moore's comments reflect the growing frustration among some Democrats with Biden's handling of a number of issues, including the economy, the pandemic, and the conflict in the Middle East. It remains to be seen whether these frustrations will translate into a loss of support for Biden in the November election.