Michael Phelps: "Cut and Dry" Punishment for Doping

Olympic swimming legend Michael Phelps has made it clear that he believes athletes caught doping should face severe consequences.

Olympic swimming icon Michael Phelps, lauded as the greatest of all time, has taken a resolute stance against doping in sports. During a recent interview, Phelps unequivocally stated that any athlete who tests positive for banned substances should be permanently barred from competition.

"If you test positive, you should never be allowed to come back and compete again, cut and dry," Phelps declared. "I believe one-and-done."

Michael Phelps:

Michael Phelps: "Cut and Dry" Punishment for Doping

Phelps' unwavering view on doping stems from a recent doping scandal involving the Chinese swimming team. In the lead-up to the Tokyo Olympics, 23 Chinese swimmers tested positive for trimetazidine, a substance banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Despite the positive tests, these athletes were permitted to compete, allegedly due to concerns over tainted food.

This incident has raised alarm among the swimming community, as many athletes believe it undermines the integrity of the sport. Phelps is among those who have expressed deep concern, emphasizing that all athletes must adhere to the same strict testing standards.

Michael Phelps:

Michael Phelps: "Cut and Dry" Punishment for Doping

"If everybody is not going through that same testing, I have a serious problem because it means the level of sport is not fair and it’s not even," Phelps stated. "If you’re taking that risk, then you don’t belong in here."

Phelps' own experience with allegations of doping has further fueled his strong stance. Throughout his illustrious career, he faced accusations of cheating, which he vehemently denied. In response, Phelps subjected himself to additional blood and urine testing to prove his innocence.

Michael Phelps:

Michael Phelps: "Cut and Dry" Punishment for Doping

"People called me a cheater throughout my career," Phelps recalled. "I subjected myself to do more testing — blood and urine — weekly. Why? For the reason that I could say I’m not cheating and I am clean and here are the results."

Phelps believes that his success is a testament to the power of clean competition. He has won an unprecedented 28 Olympic medals, including 23 golds, during his legendary career, all while maintaining a spotless record of integrity.

"I did it the clean way," Phelps affirmed. "I won 23 Olympic gold medals the clean way. It can be done."

Phelps' unwavering advocacy for doping-free competition serves as a powerful reminder that the values of fair play and sportsmanship must always prevail. His message is a clarion call for all athletes to embrace these values and uphold the integrity of their sport.