Michael Phelps' Legendary Diet: How He Consumed 10,000 Calories Daily

Olympic swimming legend Michael Phelps revealed the incredible eating habits that fueled his record-breaking performances, consuming a staggering 10,000 calories daily during his competitive years.

Michael Phelps' dominance in the pool is widely known, with his 23 Olympic gold medals standing as a testament to his athletic prowess. However, behind his success lay a rigorous training regimen and an astonishing dietary intake that allowed him to sustain the demands of his sport.

During his prime, Phelps consumed an astonishing 10,000 calories per day, highlighting the immense energy expenditure required for his rigorous swimming routines. In an interview with E! News, Phelps shed light on his dietary strategies, acknowledging that junk food played a significant role in reaching his calorie goal.

Michael Phelps' Legendary Diet: How He Consumed 10,000 Calories Daily

Michael Phelps' Legendary Diet: How He Consumed 10,000 Calories Daily

"I probably eat cleaner now than I used to," Phelps admitted. "That's simply because I'm not eating as much as I did before. There's no way you can consume clean foods exclusively and still maintain that calorie intake. I resorted to eating ice cream and anything I could get my hands on to reach my target."

Phelps' dietary habits were meticulously planned, as he consumed 10,000 calories a day. This system became a "full-time job" that extended beyond his competitive years, as he explained in a 2021 interview with GQ.

Michael Phelps' Legendary Diet: How He Consumed 10,000 Calories Daily

Michael Phelps' Legendary Diet: How He Consumed 10,000 Calories Daily

"Eating after my career was a challenge," Phelps said. "It took me time to adjust to the idea that eating was no longer a job."

Post-retirement, Phelps' calorie intake has significantly decreased, and he now focuses on consuming what his body needs and desires, rather than feeling obligated to devour everything in sight.

"It's refreshing to simply eat when I'm hungry and enjoy the food I consume," Phelps said. "It's a much more relaxed and enjoyable experience now."

Despite the vast calorie intake during his swimming career, Phelps has remained in excellent physical condition. He attributes his post-retirement health to a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Michael Phelps' extraordinary diet demonstrates the extreme nutritional demands of elite athletes. It also highlights the importance of understanding the role and function of food in supporting performance and overall well-being.