Michael Rapaport Slams Columbia Anti-Israel Protests as 'Embarrassment to New York City'

Actor and comedian Michael Rapaport has denounced the ongoing anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, labeling them as an "embarrassment to New York City." Rapaport, a liberal who has previously criticized former President Trump, expressed disappointment in the Democratic Party's stance on Israel and indicated a willingness to consider voting for Trump in the upcoming election.

Liberal actor and comedian Michael Rapaport has added his voice to the growing chorus of dissent against the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, calling them an "embarrassment to New York City." In a recent appearance on "The Sage Steele Podcast," Rapaport expressed his frustration with the Democratic Party's treatment of Israel, which he believes has alienated him and other supporters.

Michael Rapaport Slams Columbia Anti-Israel Protests as 'Embarrassment to New York City'

Michael Rapaport Slams Columbia Anti-Israel Protests as 'Embarrassment to New York City'

Rapaport specifically targeted progressives who protested Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress last month. He accused them of weaponizing the issue to the point of danger and ignoring the larger context of regional conflicts, including the ongoing siege of Israel by Hamas and Iranian proxies.

"While there's eight American hostages in Gaza, they didn't show up, proudly," Rapaport said. "Bernie and the burnouts, the Squad, all these race-hustling con artists. They weaponize it to a point that it's dangerous."

Michael Rapaport Slams Columbia Anti-Israel Protests as 'Embarrassment to New York City'

Michael Rapaport Slams Columbia Anti-Israel Protests as 'Embarrassment to New York City'

Rapaport's criticism of the anti-Israel protests is the latest in a series of comments that reflect a shift in his political views. In May, he announced that he could no longer support Vice President Harris in the November election and that Biden had also lost his support. Rapaport cited his concerns about the Democratic Party's stance on Israel and the economy as reasons for his decision.

"I'm now a one-issue voter: my money and Israel," Rapaport told Steele. "I'm not voting for Kamala Harris. I can't do it," he continued. "I can't support a party that is about all this bulls---."

Michael Rapaport Slams Columbia Anti-Israel Protests as 'Embarrassment to New York City'

Michael Rapaport Slams Columbia Anti-Israel Protests as 'Embarrassment to New York City'

Rapaport went even further on Steele's podcast, admitting that he had been "ill-informed" about Trump's record on Israel, Iran, and the economy in the past. While he still finds Trump's rhetoric and behavior unpresidential, Rapaport said the option of voting for him in the upcoming election is still on the table.

"I was wrong," Rapaport said about his past criticism of Trump. "I was first in line talking s--- about Trump."

"At the end of the day, I want my interest rates down… and Israel needs to be protected more than ever right now," he said about his two voting priorities.

Rapaport also slammed Hollywood and the sports world for their silence on the issue of the eight American hostages held in Gaza. He said that while these industries are quick to speak out on other social and political issues, they have remained silent on this critical matter.

"We speak out about everything. It could be climate change, it could be women's rights, it could be abortion rights, LGBTQ —we say stuff about everything," he said. 

"The silence has been madly deafening," he continued.

Michael Rapaport's outspoken criticism of the Columbia anti-Israel protests and his shifting political views reflect the growing unease among some Democrats with the party's stance on Israel. As the election approaches, it remains to be seen whether Rapaport's views resonate with other voters and whether they will ultimately influence the outcome.