Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

Conserve the Culture founder Michaelah Montgomery speaks out against the Biden-Harris administration's economic policies and their impact on Black communities.

In a powerful speech delivered alongside former President Donald Trump, Michaelah Montgomery, founder of Conserve the Culture, laid bare the devastating consequences of Democrat-led policies on Black American families. Montgomery highlighted the rising cost of living, dwindling economic opportunities, and declining educational standards that have plagued Black communities under the Biden-Harris administration.

Atlanta, once a beacon of opportunity for Black Americans, has become a symbol of the economic struggles faced by many Black families. Montgomery pointed out that 41% of Black Americans feel their financial freedom has declined in the last five years. This decline, she argues, is directly attributable to the disastrous economic policies of the Biden-Harris administration.

Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

Democrats, Montgomery charged, have peddled a false narrative to Black voters, portraying Republicans as the party of racism and claiming that they have designed a system that oppresses Black families. However, 45% of Black Americans believe that the economic policies of the Biden-Harris administration are impeding their pursuit of the American Dream.

Putting America First, Montgomery emphasized, means making that dream attainable for all Americans. This requires keeping prices low, wages high, and inflation in check.

Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

In 2020, Montgomery said, President Trump proudly unveiled his Platinum Plan, a comprehensive initiative to uplift the Black community by increasing capital, creating new businesses, and providing Black churches with federal resources. As president, Trump also secured vital funding for Clark Atlanta University and other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

In contrast, Montgomery criticized Vice President Kamala Harris's record as a prosecutor and legislator, noting that her actions have harmed the Black community. Harris's alleged devotion to Black families, Montgomery argued, has yet to translate into tangible benefits for Black households.

Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

Democrats, Montgomery warned, have driven Black Americans into a corner with their failed economic policies. Rent, groceries, and inflation have all skyrocketed, leaving many Black families struggling to make ends meet. Montgomery urged Black mothers, the backbone of Black communities, to recognize the negative impact of the Biden-Harris administration's policies.

To achieve economic security and affordability for Black families, Montgomery emphasized the need to empower working Black mothers with real solutions for childcare, education, and family-friendly workplaces. The Left's focus on social issues, Montgomery cautioned, is a diversion from the true challenges facing Black Americans.

Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

Michaelah Montgomery: Democrats Have Failed Black Americans

Montgomery concluded by declaring that Black Americans deserve an economy that allows them to thrive, and that only one choice at the top of the ticket will deliver that to them.