Mike Pence and Advancing American Freedom Advocate for Conservative Platform

Former Vice President Mike Pence and his organization, Advancing American Freedom, are urging conservatives to remain firm in defending key issues from the 2016 and 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC) platforms, including a strong stance on abortion rights.

Mike Pence and Advancing American Freedom Advocate for Conservative Platform

Former Vice President Mike Pence and his organization, Advancing American Freedom, are urging conservatives to remain firm in defending key issues from the 2016 and 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC) platforms.

In a memo released on Tuesday, Advancing American Freedom highlighted the importance of the RNC platform, which they believe was "the most principled conservative platform in nearly 40 years." The memo outlined key points from the platform, including a strong stance on abortion rights.

Mike Pence and Advancing American Freedom Advocate for Conservative Platform

"We assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed," the memo reads. It also emphasizes the Republican Party's opposition to the use of public funds for abortion or organizations that provide or refer for elective abortions, such as Planned Parenthood.

Pence has been a vocal advocate for overturning Roe v. Wade, which was overturned in 2022. He has called the overturning a "new beginning for life."

Mike Pence and Advancing American Freedom Advocate for Conservative Platform

The memo also touches on other key issues, such as marriage, taxes and trade, and foreign policy. It reaffirms conservative positions on traditional marriage, tax cuts, and support for Israel and Taiwan.

Advancing American Freedom argues that these principles "have delivered enormous prosperity for America" and should continue to drive policy. The organization warns against "big government solutions that resemble the agenda of the left."

Mike Pence and Advancing American Freedom Advocate for Conservative Platform

"Conservatives must not back away from what has created a winning agenda for the American people which is focusing on fiscal responsibility, a free economy, American leadership on the world stage, and defending family values, including the right to life," said AAF Chairman Marc Short.

Republicans are set to gather in mid-July in Wisconsin for their 2024 GOP Convention. The RNC platform will be a key focus of the convention and could shape the party's agenda in the upcoming presidential election.

Pence and Advancing American Freedom's advocacy for a strong conservative platform reflects the ongoing debate within the Republican Party over the future direction of the party. As the 2024 election approaches, the party will need to balance its conservative base with the need to attract a broader electorate.