Minnesota Flag Redesign: Erasing History, Dumbing Down Kids, and Usher in the Dangerous Eradication of History

The redesign of the Minnesota state flag has sparked outrage among some residents, who argue that it was done without the consent of the people and that it erases important aspects of the state's history. They also worry that the new flag's eight-point star is similar to the stars on the flags of countries with a history of genocide.

Earlier this year, Minnesota scrapped its historical state flag and replaced it with a new, more "inclusive" one. This move has been met with mixed reactions, with some residents expressing outrage and others supporting the change.

Governor Tim Walz, who led the commission that oversaw the flag redesign, has said that the previous flag was "problematic" and that the new flag is more representative of the state's diversity. However, critics argue that the redesign was done without the consent of the people and that it erases important aspects of the state's history.

Minnesota Flag Redesign: Erasing History, Dumbing Down Kids, and Usher in the Dangerous Eradication of History

Minnesota Flag Redesign: Erasing History, Dumbing Down Kids, and Usher in the Dangerous Eradication of History

One of the most controversial aspects of the new flag is its eight-point star, which is identical to the star on the Ottoman Empire's flag during the late 1800s. This is a period when the Ottoman Empire committed genocide against Christian Armenians.

Critics argue that the use of this star is insensitive and that it sends the wrong message about the state's values. They also worry that the new flag will make it more difficult for children to learn about the state's history.

Minnesota Flag Redesign: Erasing History, Dumbing Down Kids, and Usher in the Dangerous Eradication of History

Minnesota Flag Redesign: Erasing History, Dumbing Down Kids, and Usher in the Dangerous Eradication of History

Donna Bergstrom, a retired Marine Lt. Col. and Minnesotan of American Indian descent, has said that the new flag feels like an assault on her heritage's historical and current contributions to the land and state.

The new Minnesota flag was approved without voter involvement, which has also angered some residents. They argue that the people should have had a say in the design of the new flag.

Minnesota Flag Redesign: Erasing History, Dumbing Down Kids, and Usher in the Dangerous Eradication of History

Minnesota Flag Redesign: Erasing History, Dumbing Down Kids, and Usher in the Dangerous Eradication of History

The flag redesign is part of a larger trend of states changing their historical symbols. Utah, Maine, Illinois, and Massachusetts are also reportedly exploring ditching traditional designs that convey each state's unique story for vague color blocks.

Those who preserve and teach American history are alarmed by these changes. They argue that yanking historical beauty and stories from our culture undermines each state's uniqueness, dumbs kids down, damages the education of our citizenry, and ushers in a dangerous eradication of history.

Teaching the true diversity between states (landscape, history, cultural values, and resources) is vital to our nation's connectedness. The varied histories of every state are meaningful, and they should be preserved.

Some may argue that drastically changing historical symbols is a form of a coup d’etat. Our only hope? Teach traditional history ... the one they’re trying to erase, flag by flag.