Mommie Dearest": The Infamous "No More Wire Hangers" Scene and Faye Dunaway's Reluctance

Faye Dunaway was apprehensive about filming the iconic "no more wire hangers" scene in "Mommie Dearest," fearing it would portray her character as a monster. According to author A. Ashley Hoff and cast and crew members, Dunaway resisted the violence of the scene, leading to the use of stand-ins.


"No more wire hangers ever" is one of the most quotable lines in Hollywood history, but its creation was met with resistance. Faye Dunaway, who portrayed Joan Crawford in the 1981 film "Mommie Dearest," was hesitant about bringing the infamous scene to life.

Mommie Dearest

Mommie Dearest": The Infamous "No More Wire Hangers" Scene and Faye Dunaway's Reluctance

"It was a traumatic filming situation for Faye," author A. Ashley Hoff told Fox News Digital. "It's one of the reasons she's hesitant to talk about the film today."

In the scene, Crawford [Dunaway] is seen beating her young, adopted daughter Christina [Mara Hobel]. According to Hoff, Dunaway balked at the idea of filming the violent scene.

Mommie Dearest

Mommie Dearest": The Infamous "No More Wire Hangers" Scene and Faye Dunaway's Reluctance

"She didn’t want to be seen hitting Mara," Hoff explained. "They had to have a stand-in for both Mara and Faye to do the actual hitting and whacking with a wire hanger. It was just a traumatic scene for Faye to do. … She had to overcome her trepidation to go through with the scene. But she had a lot of mixed feelings even throughout her preparation and the filming."

Dunaway's reluctance stemmed from her desire to present a more nuanced portrayal of Joan Crawford. "She wanted to soften what had become the public’s perception of Joan Crawford," Hoff explained. "She had hoped to bring more balance to the story and perhaps an understanding of what Joan Crawford was dealing with as an aging actress. And that scene was violent. She fought tooth and nail against playing up the violence. She didn’t even want to do it. So the stand-ins were brought in."

Mommie Dearest

Mommie Dearest": The Infamous "No More Wire Hangers" Scene and Faye Dunaway's Reluctance

Hobel, now 53, recalled her experience filming the scene in Hoff's book. "There’s one shot where they had, like, a mannequin or — I don’t know what it was," Hobel said. "It wasn’t human, and it wasn’t me. But for all the other shots it was me. They just layered my back in a thick suede or a leather and cotton, and then they put a T-shirt over me and then my wardrobe. And then there was a comforter that she had pulled off during that tussle, and that’s where you see the hanger hitting. Although I didn’t feel the sting on my back, I could feel the thumping of the hanger on my back, but no pain."

Despite the difficulties, Dunaway's interpretation of Joan Crawford has remained iconic. However, her behavior on set has also been the subject of speculation. "For years, it’s been alleged Dunaway had bad behavior on set as a no-nonsense diva," Hoff said. "The star addressed those whispers in an upcoming documentary about her career, Page Six reported."

Mommie Dearest

Mommie Dearest": The Infamous "No More Wire Hangers" Scene and Faye Dunaway's Reluctance

According to Hoff, opinions on Dunaway's behavior vary. "I talked to both actors who worked on the set, as well as production staff and crew members who worked behind the scenes," Hoff told Fox News Digital. "I quoted people giving their impressions. There were a lot of people who criticized Faye and felt that her behavior was … abusive towards them. … But other people felt that Faye Dunaway … takes her career very seriously. She takes her performances very seriously."

"She would be late to the set sometimes by several hours," Hoff said. "Several people felt that it was because she wanted to get the makeup and the hair just right. She wasn’t going to leave her trailer until she felt she looked perfect. There were a lot of people who admired that about her. But there were just as many people who did not have that explained to them. And, so, her behavior did come across as diva-esque to them."

Mommie Dearest

Mommie Dearest": The Infamous "No More Wire Hangers" Scene and Faye Dunaway's Reluctance

Despite the controversy, "Mommie Dearest" continues to be a cult classic, sparking debates about its merits and the portrayal of Joan Crawford. "I think, if you’re still talking about a movie and debating its merits four decades later, you can’t call it a bad movie," Hoff said. "Is it a flawed movie? Absolutely. But you are never bored. It’s an entertaining film from that perspective. It has legitimate messages. For some people, it can be a very therapeutic experience. For others, it provides unintentional laughs."

Mommie DearestMommie DearestMommie DearestMommie DearestMommie Dearest