Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Alexis Nungaray, whose daughter was allegedly killed by two illegal immigrants, shared her family's devastating loss before the House Judiciary Committee, highlighting the impact of migrant crime on American lives.

In a heart-wrenching testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Alexis Nungaray, whose daughter was allegedly killed by two illegal immigrants, laid bare the devastating toll that migrant crime has taken on her family.

Jocelyn Nungaray, Alexis's young daughter, was found lifeless in her apartment in 2018. The suspects, Jorge and Luis Vargas, were both undocumented immigrants who had been previously deported but had re-entered the country illegally.

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Alexis's testimony painted a chilling picture of the horrors her daughter endured before her untimely demise. According to Alexis, Jocelyn was subjected to unspeakable brutality, including violent beatings and robbery. The suspects allegedly left Jocelyn's body in a state of disarray, showing no remorse for their heinous acts.

Alexis's voice trembled as she described the torment she has faced since her daughter's brutal murder. She spoke of sleepless nights, haunted by nightmares and the constant fear that other families could suffer a similar fate.

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

"As a mother, I have lost a part of myself that I will never get back," Alexis said. "My daughter was taken from me in a senseless act of violence by individuals who had no right to be in our country."

Alexis's testimony resonated deeply with committee members, who listened intently to her account of the unimaginable pain and trauma she and her family have endured.

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Representative Mike Johnson, R-Texas, expressed his unwavering support for Alexis and her family. "We will not rest until we have secured our borders and prevented tragedies like this from happening again," he said.

The hearing focused on the broader issue of migrant crime and its impact on American families. Committee members heard from experts and victims' family members, who shared their experiences and called for stronger measures to address the problem.

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

"Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime," said Representative Jim Jordan, R-Ohio. "It shatters lives and tears families apart."

The hearing comes amid growing concerns about the surge in illegal immigration and the associated increase in crime rates. Many are calling for stricter border security measures and increased efforts to deport criminal aliens.

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Mother's Heartbreaking Testimony: Illegal Immigrants Suspected in Daughter's Horrific Murder

Alexis's testimony served as a stark reminder of the devastating human cost of migrant crime. Her plea for justice and action on behalf of her daughter and countless other victims resonated powerfully with those in attendance, underscoring the urgent need to address this critical issue.