Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts

Amidst questions about his mental fitness and calls for him to step aside, President Biden faces mounting pressure from both political opponents and members of his own party.

As President Biden's presidency continues to face scrutiny, a growing chorus of voices, both within and outside the Democratic party, are expressing concerns about his cognitive abilities and fitness for office.

Leading the charge against Biden is Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has urged the White House physician to recommend that the president undergo a cognitive and neurological exam, calling it "in the best interest of the American people." Graham's request comes after Biden's poor performance in the recent presidential debate and intensified scrutiny of his mental health.

Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts

Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts

Prominent physicians have echoed Graham's concerns, citing Biden's age and recent verbal gaffes as potential indicators of cognitive decline. Amidst these concerns, Biden has maintained that he will stay in the race, despite the growing opposition within his own party.

The concerns about Biden's cognitive fitness have had a ripple effect on down-ballot races, with the nonpartisan Cook Political Report shifting a Michigan Senate race from "Lean Democratic" to "Toss Up." The report cited the potential for Biden's presence on the ballot to negatively impact other Democrats running for office.

Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts

Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts

In addition to Graham's request for a cognitive exam, some Democrats have begun to voice their own doubts about Biden's fitness for a second term. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) recently expressed concern after meeting with Biden campaign advisers, saying that some of his concerns about the president's cognitive abilities "deepened."

The mounting pressure on Biden has led to speculation about whether he will face a primary challenge from within the Democratic party. Former presidential candidate Howard Dean has suggested that a primary challenge could be "inevitable" if Biden continues to face doubts about his fitness.

Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts

Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts

The call for a cognitive exam has been met with resistance from the White House, which has referred to a February report from Biden's physician that found no evidence of cognitive decline. However, Graham has argued that the president has an "obligation" to undergo the exam and share the results with the public.

The debate over Biden's cognitive fitness is likely to continue, with the president's opponents calling for further transparency while his supporters defend his abilities. As the November election approaches, the issue of Biden's health is expected to play a significant role in determining not only his own political future but also the outcome of the broader Democratic campaign.

Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts

Mounting Pressure on Biden: GOP Senator Calls for Cognitive Exam, Democrats Express Doubts