MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

MSNBC host Jen Psaki has defended President Biden's debate prep team, dismissing criticism from his family that they were responsible for his poor performance.

Former White House press secretary turned MSNBC host Jen Psaki has come to the defense of President Biden's debate prep team, stating that the commander-in-chief's performance was simply "bad." Her comments come amidst reports that Biden's family has placed blame on his staff for his shaky debate performance.

In a series of tweets on Twitter, Psaki asserted that the notion that the issue at the debate was the prep process is "absurd." She highlighted the successful track record of the team, which includes prepping candidates like Obama, Clinton, and Biden.

MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

Psaki emphasized that while the prep team may have been tough, strategic, and direct, prep does not always determine the outcome. She acknowledged that Biden's performance was poor, stressing that it is time to focus on the right issues rather than blaming the prep process.

Former White House chief of staff Ron Klain replied to Psaki's tweets, expressing gratitude for her defense.

MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

The criticism from Biden's family stems from a gathering at Camp David, where his wife, children, and grandchildren urged him to remain in the race but criticized his staff's preparation. Politico reported that the family specifically targeted Anita Dunn, a senior adviser, and her husband, Bob Bauer, the president's attorney. They also faulted Klain for allowing Biden to become overburdened by statistics and questioned his appearance in the debate.

Other Biden supporters have also pointed the finger at his prep team. John Morgan, a top Democratic donor, publicly blamed Dunn and Bauer by name, accusing them of "political malpractice."

MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

However, Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz defended the advisers, stating that they have a long-standing relationship with the president and he maintains confidence in them. A senior Biden aide also denied the claims of frustration expressed by the family.

The debate performance has been widely criticized by top Democrats and commentators, with some calling for Biden to withdraw from the race. Comedian Bill Maher has advocated for Biden to step aside for another candidate to face off against Trump.

MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

MSNBC Host Defends Biden's Debate Prep Team Amid Family Criticism

Psaki's comments highlight the ongoing debate within the Democratic Party about Biden's performance and the role of his staff. The president's ability to improve his performance in future debates and respond to criticism will be crucial in shaping his chances of success in the 2024 election.