MSNBC's Jen Psaki: DNC Aligns with Majority View, RNC Only Represents 'Narrow Sliver'

MSNBC host Jen Psaki praised the Democratic National Convention, stating that it reflects the "majority view" of Americans and that the Republican National Convention represents only a "narrow sliver" of the country.

MSNBC's Jen Psaki, a former press secretary for President Biden, has effusively praised the Democratic National Convention, asserting that it aligns with the views of the majority of Americans and that the Republican National Convention only represents a tiny fraction of the country.

"Well, that was one hell of a Democratic convention," Psaki exclaimed during a Sunday broadcast. "Like so many of you sitting at home, I laughed, I cried, I cheered. I was inspired."

MSNBC's Jen Psaki: DNC Aligns with Majority View, RNC Only Represents 'Narrow Sliver'

MSNBC's Jen Psaki: DNC Aligns with Majority View, RNC Only Represents 'Narrow Sliver'

Comparing clips of the RNC and the DNC, Psaki emphatically declared that the Democrats hold the majority view of Americans. "It wasn’t even really a fair fight," she said. "This contrast, joyful vs. pretty joyless and flat, future vs. past, unity versus division, love vs. hate, those are the options right now. And this week really reminded me that our country is more aligned with what we saw in Chicago."

Psaki emphasized that the Democratic convention showcased a multicultural, diverse, and united America. "It is multicultural, diverse, joyful, unique, united, and it was that majority view that was on display in Chicago," she said. "Loving America over slandering it. Celebrating diversity over rejecting it, embracing our neighbors rather than talking about kicking them out of the country."

MSNBC's Jen Psaki: DNC Aligns with Majority View, RNC Only Represents 'Narrow Sliver'

MSNBC's Jen Psaki: DNC Aligns with Majority View, RNC Only Represents 'Narrow Sliver'

In contrast, Psaki characterized the Republican convention as representing only a small fraction of Americans. "The other America that we saw at the Republican convention, that only represented a narrow sliver of America," she stated.

Psaki praised the Democratic convention speakers, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, for their heartfelt expressions of love for America. "How many people listen to Harris and Walz and so many others talk about how much they love this country and thought ‘yeah, I love my country, too,'" she asked.

MSNBC's Jen Psaki: DNC Aligns with Majority View, RNC Only Represents 'Narrow Sliver'

MSNBC's Jen Psaki: DNC Aligns with Majority View, RNC Only Represents 'Narrow Sliver'

Other liberal reporters also heaped praise on the Democratic convention and its speakers. April Ryan, White House reporter for the Grio, lauded Michelle Obama as "stratospheric" and "authentic," placing her alongside Jesus Christ and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in terms of significance.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and her panel also gushed over Governor Walz's remarks, describing the response in the room as electrifying. Maddow herself was reportedly moved to clap and stamp her feet in appreciation.

Psaki's comments underscore the stark contrast between the two conventions and reflect the growing polarization within American politics. While the Democrats emphasized unity, diversity, and love, the Republicans focused on stricter immigration policies and a law-and-order message.

It remains to be seen whether this divide will continue to widen or whether there is room for reconciliation between the two parties. However, Psaki's remarks suggest that the Democratic Party is confident in its ability to connect with a broad cross-section of Americans.