MSNBC's Michael Steele Accused of Pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' After Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

MSNBC host Michael Steele has been accused of promoting conspiracy theories after suggesting that former President Donald Trump's ear wound may not have been caused by a high-caliber bullet.

MSNBC host Michael Steele has been accused of pushing "conspiracy theories" after questioning whether former President Donald Trump's ear wound was actually caused by a high-caliber bullet.

In an appearance on Fox News, Steele expressed skepticism about the official account of the assassination attempt on Trump, suggesting that the wound may have been self-inflicted. His comments drew immediate criticism from some of Trump's supporters, who accused Steele of spreading misinformation.

MSNBC's Michael Steele Accused of Pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' After Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

MSNBC's Michael Steele Accused of Pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' After Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

The controversy stems from a recent report in the New York Post, which claimed that Trump's ear wound was caused by a bullet that grazed his head. The report cited anonymous sources, but did not provide any further details.

Steele, a former Republican National Committee chairman, questioned the validity of the report, suggesting that it was part of a broader effort to deflect attention from other issues.

MSNBC's Michael Steele Accused of Pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' After Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

MSNBC's Michael Steele Accused of Pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' After Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

"I'm not saying that it's not true, but I'm saying that we need to be very careful about what we believe and what we don't believe," Steele said.

He also pointed out that there were no eyewitnesses to the alleged shooting, and that the only evidence was the anonymous report in the New York Post.

MSNBC's Michael Steele Accused of Pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' After Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

MSNBC's Michael Steele Accused of Pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' After Questioning Trump's Ear Wound

Steele's comments have been met with skepticism and criticism from some of Trump's supporters, who have accused him of promoting conspiracy theories. Some have even suggested that Steele is trying to discredit Trump because he is a political opponent.

"Michael Steele is a disgrace to journalism," said one Trump supporter on Twitter. "He's just trying to spread lies and misinformation to make Trump look bad."

Others have defended Steele, arguing that he is simply asking questions and that it is important to be skeptical about any claims that are made without evidence.

"Michael Steele is just doing his job as a journalist," said one Steele supporter on Twitter. "He's not trying to spread conspiracy theories, he's just trying to get to the truth."

The controversy surrounding Steele's comments is likely to continue as the investigation into the assassination attempt on Trump continues.