Murdoch Discreetly Shields Johnson from Boebert's Onslaught

Despite fading from public view, media mogul Rupert Murdoch has played a behind-the-scenes role in ensuring Mike Johnson's political survival amid Marjorie Taylor Boebert's attacks.

Murdoch Discreetly Shields Johnson from Boebert's Onslaught

Once a towering figure in the media landscape, Rupert Murdoch has largely retreated from the spotlight. However, his influence within the Republican Party remains undeniable, as evidenced by his recent quiet intervention to protect Mike Johnson from the relentless assaults of Marjorie Taylor Boebert.

Johnson, a former congressman, faces an uphill battle in his bid to unseat Boebert, a far-right firebrand, in the upcoming Republican primary. The race has been marked by Boebert's unceasing attacks, accusing Johnson of being a "RINO" and a "liberal."

Despite the barrage of criticism, Johnson has managed to stay afloat thanks, in part, to Murdoch's discreet support. The media mogul has used his extensive network within the party to rally Republican leaders behind Johnson's campaign.

Murdoch has also deployed his media arsenal to bolster Johnson's image. His newspapers, including the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, have published favorable articles showcasing Johnson's conservative credentials and slamming Boebert's tactics.

Johnson's campaign has been further bolstered by the endorsement of several prominent Republican figures, including former President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. These endorsements, which have been heavily promoted by Murdoch-owned media, have helped legitimize Johnson's candidacy and counter the negative narrative peddled by Boebert.

Murdoch's intervention has been met with mixed reactions. Some Republicans have praised him for using his influence to protect a moderate voice against an extreme candidate. Others have criticized him for interfering in the primary process to serve his own interests.

Regardless of the criticism, Murdoch's actions demonstrate that he remains a force to be reckoned with in Republican politics. Despite his diminished public presence, he continues to wield substantial power behind the scenes, shaping the contours of the party's future.

Boebert's relentless attacks and Johnson's resilience have turned the Republican primary into a bitter contest. As the race intensifies, Murdoch's continued involvement could prove decisive in determining the outcome.