NEA's Political Agenda Leads to Mass Exodus of Teachers

The National Education Association (NEA) faces declining membership as teachers become more aware of their First Amendment rights and the union's focus on political issues over workplace concerns.

NEA's Political Agenda Leads to Mass Exodus of Teachers

The National Education Association (NEA), one of the largest teachers' unions in the United States, has witnessed a significant decline in membership for six consecutive years. This exodus is not attributed to a shrinking student population or a loss of funding, as claimed by NEA president Becky Pringle. Rather, the union's blatant prioritization of a radical political agenda at the expense of member representation has driven teachers away.

In 2023, the NEA lost over 12,000 members, according to its latest financial report. This trend has been exacerbated by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Janus v. AFSCME (2018), which recognized the First Amendment right of public employees to opt out of union membership.

NEA's Political Agenda Leads to Mass Exodus of Teachers

The NEA has resorted to questionable tactics to retain members, including mischaracterizing the Janus ruling and supporting legislation that prohibits employers from informing union members about their freedom of association rights. The union's strategy is based on keeping teachers in the dark about their First Amendment rights.

Furthermore, the NEA consistently advocates for the repeal of right-to-work laws, which allow employees to opt out of union membership without facing termination. This suggests that the union cares more about preserving its revenue stream than protecting the workplace rights of teachers.

NEA's Political Agenda Leads to Mass Exodus of Teachers

The NEA's financial report reveals that it spent a whopping $176 million of dues revenue on political candidates and ideological causes during the 2023 school year. This amount constitutes 34% of the union's budget, while a mere 8% is used for "representational activities."

Recipients of NEA's political contributions, such as the For Our Future Action Fund and Education International, do little to advance the workplace rights of teachers. Instead, they focus on social justice, climate change, and other issues unrelated to education.

NEA's Political Agenda Leads to Mass Exodus of Teachers

NEA leadership has also benefited from rising membership dues. Pringle received a salary of $495,787 in 2023, significantly higher than the average starting teacher salary of $42,844.

Educators are becoming increasingly aware of the NEA's political agenda and its disregard for their workplace concerns. Despite an era of steady hiring in public schools, NEA membership declined by 12,287 in 2023, bringing total losses since the Janus decision to over 220,000.

As long as the NEA remains focused on advancing a political agenda instead of addressing the needs of teachers, its membership will continue to decline. Informed teachers are exercising their First Amendment rights and opting out of union membership in droves. The NEA's future is uncertain if it fails to realign its priorities with those of its members.