Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings has added his voice to the growing chorus of figures urging President Biden to step down ahead of the 2024 election.

Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings has become the latest notable figure to call on President Biden to step down ahead of the 2024 election. In an email obtained by the New York Times, Hastings, a notable Democratic donor, said that Biden needs to step down as the presidential nominee to find someone who can defeat former President Donald Trump.

"Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous," Hastings wrote.

Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

Hastings confirmed the email to Fox News Digital.

Hastings' call for Biden's replacement comes amid growing concerns about the president's age and health. Biden would be 82 years old at the start of his second term, making him the oldest president in American history. He has also made several gaffes and missteps that have raised questions about his mental fitness.

Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

Hastings, along with his wife Patty Quillin, have been notable donors to the Democratic Party, particularly in California. In 2021, Hastings donated approximately $3 million to a committee created to stop a recall effort against Gov. Gavin Newsom. In 2022, Quillin was one of many people who donated to a left-wing group hoping to stop liberal San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin from being recalled.

Several media outlets and even some Democratic figures have called on Biden to be replaced in the presidential election following a rough performance in his first debate against Trump. One of them included the New York Times editorial board, who called Biden a "reckless gamble."

Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

The article continued, "There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump’s deficiencies and those of Mr. Biden. It’s too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes," the editorial board continued.

Hastings insisted that Biden needs to step down to beat Trump.

Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

Netflix Co-Founder Joins Chorus Calling for Biden to Step Down

"We need a younger candidate, someone who is more energetic and can inspire the country," Hastings said. "Biden is a good man, but he's not the right person to lead us in 2024."

It remains to be seen whether Biden will heed the calls to step down. He has repeatedly said that he plans to run for re-election, but he has also acknowledged that he will consult with family and advisors before making a final decision.

The decision will ultimately be up to Biden, but the calls for him to step down are growing louder. If he does decide to run again, he will face a tough fight to win the Democratic nomination. And even if he wins the nomination, he will face an uphill battle to defeat Trump in the general election.