Network Bias Revealed: Big Three Networks Ignore Biden Bribery Allegations, Focus on Trump for Hours

An extensive study has uncovered a striking discrepancy in coverage by the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC), which devoted hours to reporting on the Trump indictment news while completely ignoring allegations of bribery against Biden during the same period.

In a stark demonstration of media bias, a recent analysis has revealed that the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) engaged in a selective reporting pattern, giving extensive coverage to allegations against former President Trump while completely ignoring similar allegations against President Biden.

The study, conducted by the Media Research Center, examined the coverage of both candidates by the three networks during the critical period from October 26 to November 13, 2020. The findings were staggering: the networks devoted a combined 60 minutes to the Trump indictment news, while completely ignoring allegations that Biden had accepted bribes from foreign entities.

Network Bias Revealed: Big Three Networks Ignore Biden Bribery Allegations, Focus on Trump for Hours

Network Bias Revealed: Big Three Networks Ignore Biden Bribery Allegations, Focus on Trump for Hours

This glaring disparity in coverage underscores the biased nature of the Big Three networks. By focusing exclusively on accusations against Trump, while ignoring equally serious allegations against Biden, the networks have actively misled the public and suppressed potentially damaging information about the Democratic candidate.

The lack of coverage given to the Biden allegations is particularly troubling considering their potential impact on the election. Had the allegations been widely reported, they could have significantly swayed public opinion and influenced the outcome of the vote.

Network Bias Revealed: Big Three Networks Ignore Biden Bribery Allegations, Focus on Trump for Hours

Network Bias Revealed: Big Three Networks Ignore Biden Bribery Allegations, Focus on Trump for Hours

The Big Three networks have a responsibility to provide their viewers with fair and balanced coverage of political issues. However, their selective reporting on the Biden allegations suggests that their primary objective is to serve as a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party rather than to inform the public.

This bias is not a new phenomenon. For years, the Big Three networks have consistently favored Democratic candidates and policies. This has led to a decline in public trust in the media, as viewers increasingly perceive the networks as biased and politically motivated.

Network Bias Revealed: Big Three Networks Ignore Biden Bribery Allegations, Focus on Trump for Hours

Network Bias Revealed: Big Three Networks Ignore Biden Bribery Allegations, Focus on Trump for Hours

The networks' treatment of the Biden bribery allegations is a prime example of this bias. By suppressing damaging information about the Democratic candidate, the networks have shown that they are not interested in providing objective and impartial coverage.

This bias has serious consequences for democracy. When the media fails to hold politicians accountable, it creates an atmosphere where corruption and wrongdoing can flourish. The Big Three networks have a responsibility to serve the public interest, not to act as political operatives.

The American people deserve better from their media. They deserve fair and balanced coverage of political issues, regardless of which party is involved. The Big Three networks must stop putting their partisan preferences ahead of their duty to the public.