New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

Voters in New Hampshire, a crucial swing state, have raised doubts about President Biden's re-election bid following his underwhelming performance in the recent debate against former President Donald Trump. Many voters expressed concerns about Biden's age and stamina, citing his incoherent answers and stumbling delivery during the debate.

HOOKSETT, N.H. – In the aftermath of President Biden's disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump, voters in New Hampshire have raised serious concerns about the incumbent's re-election prospects. A recent survey conducted by Fox News at a highway rest area between Concord and Manchester revealed widespread unease among New Hampshire voters, with many expressing a preference for Trump or questioning Biden's ability to handle the demands of the presidency.

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

"I'm leaning toward Donald Trump a little bit," said a voter named Mario. "Just because, I mean, the debate performance is really, really, really impactful for me, I was really thrown off by Joe Biden's performance." Mario's sentiments were echoed by multiple other voters who cited Biden's age and apparent cognitive decline as major factors in their decision-making.

The debate, which was Biden's first face-to-face confrontation with Trump since the 2020 election, was widely seen as a major setback for the president. His halting delivery, frequent gaffes, and overall lack of coherence raised concerns about his fitness to serve as Commander-in-Chief. Following the debate, there have been growing calls within the Democratic Party for Biden to drop out of the 2024 race.

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

Over the past week, six Democratic House members have publicly urged Biden to end his campaign, arguing that his age and declining mental sharpness make him an unelectable liability. On Sunday, Fox News and other outlets reported that four House Democrats holding top committee positions called for Biden to step aside during a private conference call.

Despite these calls, Biden has remained defiant, reiterating his commitment to stay in the race. In a letter sent to congressional Democrats on Monday, the president emphasized that the question of how to move forward has been "well-aired for over a week now" and that it is time to "come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump."

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

While some voters expressed support for Biden's decision to continue his campaign, others remained unconvinced. "I'm not really a Donald Trump person," said voter William Yacopucci. "I think Donald Trump is too old, too." However, he added, "But, I mean, out of the two, to me, he was a little bit younger, a little bit more with it. So that's where I'm leaning toward at the moment."

Voter Al Byrnes expressed a mix of emotions, stating that while he admires Biden's past accomplishments, he has concerns about his ability to serve another term. "I was very sad that President Biden performed like he did, but in the concept of everything, I would still totally back him tomorrow at this point," said Byrnes. "I do wish that he would drop out of the race, but, I would support him or whoever replaces him. Anything but Donald Trump."

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

Some voters, like Rose, expressed a preference for Trump, citing Biden's apparent confusion and lack of coherence during the debate. "Biden doesn't seem like he knows what he's talking about," said Rose. "But," she added, "I felt like they were both just talking circles around each other."

The voter interviews were conducted just minutes before California Governor Gavin Newsom, a top surrogate for Biden's re-election campaign, arrived at the highway rest area. Newsom dismissed the growing calls for Biden to step aside, calling them "not helpful" but acknowledging that they were coming from "a handful of people." Newsom emphasized that the "overwhelming majority of the caucus" is still supporting Biden and pointed to the large crowds that have turned out at recent campaign stops.

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

New Hampshire Voters Express Concerns over Biden's Re-election Prospects after Weak Debate Performance

Newsom also spoke to reporters about Biden's health, following recent speculation about his cognitive abilities. "Has the president been treated for Parkinson's? No," said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during a Monday press briefing. "Is he being treated for Parkinson's? No, he's not. Is he taking medication for Parkinson's? No. So, those are the things that I can give you full-blown answers on."

When asked about concerns over Biden's cognitive abilities, Newsom responded, "I don't." He emphasized that he has spent a significant amount of time with the president in both public and private settings and has no doubts about his mental fitness.

Recent national polls conducted after the debate have raised red flags for Biden, with Trump widening his lead and Americans expressing concerns about Biden's ability to lead the country. Despite the polls and the calls from within his own party, Biden remains determined to stay in the race, setting up a potentially contentious battle for the Democratic nomination.