New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

Amid heightened tensions in the Middle East, the newly appointed Israeli Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, has delivered a stern rebuke to the international body. Danon has urged immediate reforms within the organization and criticized its lack of response to the October 7th attacks by Hezbollah.

Newly appointed Israeli Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Danny Danon, has issued a strong warning to the international organization amid escalating tensions with Hezbollah and concerns over Iran's potential acquisition of nuclear weapons.

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

Ambassador Danon expressed serious concerns over the UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which clearly prohibits any military presence in southern Lebanon beyond the Lebanese military. However, Danon highlighted that Hezbollah has taken control of the region since 2006, transforming it into a hub for terrorism with an arsenal of tens of thousands of rockets.

"I think if the U.N. is not capable of implementing the resolution, we will have to implement the resolution and push Hezbollah away from our community in the north," Danon stated.

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

He stressed the importance of tackling the various extremist groups in the Middle East, including Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen, by addressing the root cause: Iran. Danon urged Western democracies to join Israel in pressuring Iran to prevent it from obtaining nuclear capabilities.

"We thought on April 14 when they sent hundreds of projectiles into Israel and their intentions ... imagine they had nuclear capabilities," Danon noted. "We will not wait for that day. We will not allow them to achieve nuclear capabilities."

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

Danon replaced Gilad Erdan as the permanent representative to the U.N. in May. Erdan had served since October 7th and played a prominent role during the subsequent Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip. Known for his fiery rhetoric and bold speeches, Erdan has been a vocal critic of the UN, labeling it a "broken institution."

In contrast, Danon believes that the UN can be salvaged but requires the intervention of the United States to demand reforms. He criticized the UN's failure to condemn the October 7th attacks, highlighting its double standards when it comes to Israel.

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

"I think we should reform the U.N., and I expect the U.S. to lead the action to change the U.N.," Danon said. "I think the U.N. is an important organization, and we have to reform it and make sure that the U.N. will focus on the real objects of promoting security and peace and not becoming a platform for hate and incitement by radical countries."

Danon called on the U.S., the largest contributor to the UN budget, to hold the organization accountable and ensure that it focuses on its core objectives. He emphasized that the current performance of the UN is unacceptable and requires immediate attention.

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response

"It’s not happening today," Danon asserted.

New Israeli Ambassador Issues Urgent Call for UN Reform and Condemns October 7 Response