New Violence Erupts in Rakhine State, Targeting Rohingya Civilians

The United Nations has raised concerns over alarming reports of violence in Myanmar's Rakhine state, condemning attacks on Rohingya civilians and the burning of their homes by the military and the Arakan Army.

New Violence Erupts in Rakhine State, Targeting Rohingya Civilians

The escalation of violence in Rakhine state has sparked widespread condemnation from international agencies, including the United Nations Human Rights Office (OHCHR). Spokesperson Liz Throssell has expressed grave concern over reports of killings, arson, and displacement of civilians in the northern part of the state.

New Violence Erupts in Rakhine State, Targeting Rohingya Civilians

OHCHR has received disturbing accounts of attacks on Rohingya civilians, including the burning of the town of Buthidaung, air strikes, and reports of shootings of unarmed villagers. Satellite images and online videos obtained by OHCHR indicate that the town has been largely destroyed.

The fighting in Buthidaung has also displaced tens of thousands of civilians, leaving them vulnerable and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. OHCHR has condemned the attacks on civilians and called on the parties involved to protect vulnerable populations.

In addition to the military, the Arakan Army, the armed wing of the Rakhine ethnic minority movement, has also been implicated in the violence. OHCHR has received reports of abuse and extortion by Arakan Army forces against Rohingya civilians.

Meanwhile, the United League of Arakan, the political arm of the Arakan Army, has stated that it is providing refuge to civilians in the conflict zone and has condemned the violence against civilians.

The United States has also expressed concern over the escalating violence and has called on the military and armed groups to protect civilians and allow humanitarian access.

The clashes in Rakhine state come amid a broader civil war in Myanmar that began with the military ousting the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi. The fighting has escalated in recent months, with the military facing armed resistance from pro-democracy fighters and ethnic minority groups.

The United Nations has urged the international community to provide immediate humanitarian assistance to those affected by the violence in Rakhine state and called for an end to the ongoing conflict.

The Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim minority group, have faced decades of discrimination and violence in Myanmar and were targeted in a brutal counterinsurgency campaign in 2017 that forced over 700,000 to flee to neighboring Bangladesh. Despite having lived in the region for generations, they are largely denied citizenship and basic rights.

The international community has repeatedly condemned the violence against the Rohingya and called for accountability for the perpetrators. However, the situation in Rakhine state remains volatile, and the recent escalation of violence has raised fears of further displacement and human rights abuses.