New York's Hidden Republican Gains: Liberal Professor Raises Concerns

A prominent liberal professor and Republican strategist agree that the Republican Party is making inroads in New York, despite the state's reputation as a Democratic stronghold. The presence of former President Trump in the Bronx highlights this trend, as he taps into dissatisfaction with the leadership of the Democratic Party.

New York's Hidden Republican Gains: Liberal Professor Raises Concerns

New York, long considered a bastion of liberalism, is facing a growing challenge from the Republican Party, according to liberal professor Christina Greer of the City College of New York. Greer contends that "there are a lot more Republicans and dissatisfied Democrats in the state of New York than we'd like to admit."

New York's Hidden Republican Gains: Liberal Professor Raises Concerns

This sentiment was echoed by Republican strategist Susan Del Percio, who pointed to the election of the first Republican to the New York City Council in 40 years. Trump's impressive performance in the Bronx in 2020, an increase of seven percentage points compared to 2016, further emphasizes the growing support for the GOP in the state.

Greer suggests that the Democratic Party's failure to deliver for certain voter demographics, particularly Black male voters, is contributing to this shift. "Joe Biden needs to make the case to Black and Latino voters, and I should say Black male voters," she said. "Black female voters tend to be immune to what the Republican Party is selling."

New York's Hidden Republican Gains: Liberal Professor Raises Concerns

Trump's visit to the Bronx is seen as a strategic move to suppress the Black male vote by distracting them from casting ballots for Democratic candidates. Del Percio believes that the narrative of neglect among New York communities is resonating with voters and giving Republicans an advantage.

Greer, however, cautions against overstating the Republican gains. She does not believe that Trump has a genuine shot at winning New York. Instead, she views his rally in the Bronx as a means of boosting his media presence and sending a message to Democrats about the need to address voter concerns.

New York's Hidden Republican Gains: Liberal Professor Raises Concerns

Del Percio agrees that Trump's rally is not aimed at winning over votes in New York City. Rather, it is intended to serve as a warning to Democrats in swing states, where the margins of victory are often razor-thin.

The convergence of views between Greer and Del Percio highlights the growing concern among both liberals and Republicans about the changing political landscape in New York. The dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party's leadership is creating fertile ground for the GOP to make inroads, potentially threatening the state's blue stronghold status.