Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill that would have allowed illegal immigrant public university students to have on-campus jobs. This is the second time this month that Newsom has nixed a bill that would have greatly expanded aid to illegal immigrants.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill that would have allowed illegal immigrant public university students to have on-campus jobs. This is the second time this month that Newsom has nixed a bill that would have greatly expanded aid to illegal immigrants.

Newsom, who campaigned for President Biden before he dropped his re-election campaign, has previously supported other forms of aid to noncitizens, including health care coverage for all Californians regardless of proof of citizenship.

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

However, the governor has recently taken a more cautious approach to immigration issues. Earlier this month, he vetoed a controversial bill that would have given noncitizens housing loans for first-time buyers.

In his veto letter of AB 2586, the bill that would have allowed illegal immigrant students to work campus jobs, Newsom cited legal concerns. He said that the bill could have resulted in criminal and civil liability for state employees.

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

"Given the gravity of the potential consequences of this bill, which include potential criminal and civil liability for state employees, it is critical that the courts address the legality of such a policy and the novel legal theory behind this legislation before proceeding," Newsom wrote.

Newsom's veto has been met with criticism from some immigrant rights advocates. They argue that the bill would have provided much-needed support to undocumented students who are often unable to find employment due to their immigration status.

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

"This veto is a huge disappointment," said Angelica Salas, the executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights. "It sends the message that we don't value the contributions of undocumented immigrants, even when they are trying to better themselves and their communities."

Despite the veto, Newsom has said that he is still committed to supporting undocumented immigrants. He has proposed a number of other measures, such as providing financial aid to undocumented students and creating a pathway to citizenship for certain immigrants.

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work Campus Jobs

However, Newsom's recent actions have raised questions about his commitment to progressive immigration policies. Some observers believe that he is trying to distance himself from the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party in order to appeal to a wider range of voters.

Newsom's veto comes at a time when immigration is a major issue in the 2024 race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. The Biden-Harris administration has been blamed for the crisis at the southern border over their weaker border policies and pro-illegal immigrant rhetoric.

Trump, on the other hand, has made cracking down on illegal immigration a central part of his campaign. He has promised to build a wall on the southern border and to deport all undocumented immigrants.

The outcome of the 2024 election could have a major impact on the future of immigration policy in the United States. If Trump is elected, he could implement policies that would make it more difficult for undocumented immigrants to live and work in the United States. If Harris is elected, she could continue the Biden-Harris administration's more welcoming approach to immigration.