NFL to Allow Guardian Caps in Games After Significant Concussion Reduction

The NFL is introducing Guardian Caps to games after two years of data showing a significant reduction in concussions during training camp practices.

NFL to Allow Guardian Caps in Games After Significant Concussion Reduction

The National Football League (NFL) has announced that it will allow players to wear Guardian Caps during games, following two years of data showing a significant reduction in concussions during training camp practices.

Guardian Caps are protective headgear designed to reduce the force of helmet-to-helmet impacts, a common cause of concussions in football. The caps were introduced to training camp in 2022, and the results have been so positive that the NFL has decided to extend their use to games.

NFL to Allow Guardian Caps in Games After Significant Concussion Reduction

"We've got two years of data now showing significant concussion reductions in those players that wear Guardian Caps in the NFL," NFL's chief medical officer, Dr. Allen Sills, said in a webinar earlier this month. "We might actually see a Guardian Cap on a player in a game this year."

The cap was invented in 2011, and since it was introduced in the NFL two years ago, concussions have gone down in training camp by more than 50% from the average of the 2018, 2019, and 2021 seasons.

NFL to Allow Guardian Caps in Games After Significant Concussion Reduction

Brendan Burger, equipment director of the Los Angeles Rams, said the cap has become a "norm" for players.

"The players know the Caps. They've seen the data, it works. The Guardian Caps have become another piece of equipment that they take to practice. You think about all the head impacts that we're reducing from players wearing them, and it's second nature now," Burger said.

The NFL states that if both players involved in helmet-to-helmet contact are wearing the cap, the force of the impact is lowered by at least 20% and 10% if one player is wearing it.

The league also reported that Guardian Caps worn during training camp practices in 2023 helped the league realize a seven-year low in training-camp concussions.

Erin Hanson, Founder and CEO of Guardian Innovations, said the company is proud of the impact the Guardian Cap is having on player safety.

"We are proud to be a part of improving outcomes for players and grateful to the NFL for their investment in player safety. While we are proud of our current products and their performance on the field, we will continue to iterate the Guardian Cap to offer improved performance and aesthetics for the future," Hanson said.

The introduction of Guardian Caps in games is a significant step forward for player safety in the NFL. Concussions are a serious issue in football, and the Guardian Cap has proven to be an effective tool in reducing their occurrence.

While the Guardian Cap is not a cure-all for concussions, it is a significant step in the right direction. The NFL is committed to player safety, and the introduction of Guardian Caps in games is a testament to that commitment.