NFL's Inevitable Transition to an 18-Game Schedule: Impact on Players, Revenue, and Season Structure

Dallas Cowboys COO Stephen Jones predicts the NFL will move from a 17-game to an 18-game schedule, driven by increased revenue and player compensation.

The NFL's expansion to an 18-game schedule appears to be a matter of time, according to influential figures within the league. Dallas Cowboys Chief Operating Officer Stephen Jones, a member of the NFL Competition Committee, believes the switch is "probably inevitable."

Over the past few months, discussions have intensified regarding the potential addition of an extra regular-season game and the relocation of the Super Bowl to Presidents Day weekend. Key stakeholders, including Commissioner Roger Goodell and Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow, have publicly expressed their views on the matter.

NFL's Inevitable Transition to an 18-Game Schedule: Impact on Players, Revenue, and Season Structure

NFL's Inevitable Transition to an 18-Game Schedule: Impact on Players, Revenue, and Season Structure

Jones emphasizes the significant financial implications of a schedule expansion. "Our revenue's gonna jump," he states. "And that should only help in terms of the money available to pay players and get players the compensation."

Currently, players receive roughly half of the league's revenue. With the addition of an 18th game, the revenue pool would expand, potentially leading to increased salaries and benefits for athletes.

NFL's Inevitable Transition to an 18-Game Schedule: Impact on Players, Revenue, and Season Structure

NFL's Inevitable Transition to an 18-Game Schedule: Impact on Players, Revenue, and Season Structure

Jones acknowledges concerns surrounding player wear and tear and roster management in an extended season. NFL officials are examining the impact on players' bodies and how coaches and general managers would navigate a potential 18-game schedule. An additional bye week may be considered.

Burrow proposed an innovative approach to an 18-game schedule during a recent appearance on Barstool Sports' "Pardon My Take." He suggests maintaining the current bye week structure while introducing a Pro Bowl-like break during Week 13. This break would feature minimized contact and skills challenges, potentially boosting Pro Bowl viewership and providing players with rest before the season's final stretch.

NFL's Inevitable Transition to an 18-Game Schedule: Impact on Players, Revenue, and Season Structure

NFL's Inevitable Transition to an 18-Game Schedule: Impact on Players, Revenue, and Season Structure

Commissioner Goodell has also expressed support for a schedule expansion. He believes eliminating preseason games could pave the way for an extra regular-season game. "I'd rather replace a preseason game with a regular-season game any day," Goodell stated.

Goodell also highlighted the potential benefit of coinciding Super Bowl Sunday with Presidents Day weekend, creating a three-day holiday for fans to enjoy the championship game.

Any increase in the number of regular-season games would require approval from both the NFL owners and the players' union. The exact timeline for the potential schedule change remains unclear, but it is a topic that will undoubtedly continue to be debated and discussed in the coming months and years.