Nicole Kidman's Arduous Butt Workout Revealed by Co-Star

Nicole Kidman's secret to her toned derriere has been unveiled by her "A Family Affair" co-star Joey King. King revealed on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" that Kidman has devised an intense workout routine that has even left King struggling to keep up.

Nicole Kidman's derrière has long been the envy of many, and now her secret workout routine has been revealed. According to her "A Family Affair" co-star Joey King, Kidman has created an arduous regimen that targets her backside.

Nicole Kidman's Arduous Butt Workout Revealed by Co-Star

Nicole Kidman's Arduous Butt Workout Revealed by Co-Star

King shared on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" that she learned the workout from Kidman while they were filming together. "She taught me like the most epic, awful butt workout I've ever learned in my life," King said. "I was like, ‘I’m a youngster. I can hang…I'm agile.' I thought I could hang, but I couldn't hang."

The workout involves a variety of exercises with descriptive names like "donkey kicks," "rainbows," and "fire hydrants." King explained that the key is to keep your leg in the air for an extended period, making the exercises particularly challenging.

Nicole Kidman's Arduous Butt Workout Revealed by Co-Star

Nicole Kidman's Arduous Butt Workout Revealed by Co-Star

Despite the difficulty, King has incorporated the routine into her own workouts, citing its effectiveness. She joked that she often texts Kidman pictures, saying, "I should call an ambulance."

Kidman has previously emphasized the importance of variety in her fitness routine. Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, she said, "If you think you are going to wake up and run five miles every morning for the rest of your life, you’ll get bored and hit the snooze button after a week. So I try and mix it up with sports, running, yoga and even just going for a walk with my husband and the kids."

Nicole Kidman's Arduous Butt Workout Revealed by Co-Star

Nicole Kidman's Arduous Butt Workout Revealed by Co-Star

Spinning is another favorite workout for Kidman, who encourages others to try it as well. "I love spinning. I try to get everyone to spin," she said.

Kidman's dedication to her workout regime is evident in her toned physique. Her co-stars and fans alike have praised her for her commitment to fitness and the results it has produced.

* Kidman's workout routine has been praised for its effectiveness and variety, ensuring that it remains engaging and challenging.

* The combination of exercises targets different muscles in the buttocks, helping to create a well-rounded and toned appearance.

* King's revelation about Kidman's workout has inspired others to try the routine for themselves, praising its results.

* Kidman's emphasis on fitness is not limited to her workout routine, as she also emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and adequate sleep.

* Kidman's dedication to her health and well-being is reflected in her glowing complexion and overall vitality.

* The actress serves as an inspiration for others to prioritize their fitness and strive for their own personal health goals.

* Kidman's workout routine has become a topic of interest and admiration, showcasing the importance of self-care and striving for a healthy lifestyle.

* Co-stars and fans alike have praised Kidman's commitment to her workout regime and the results it has produced.

* Kidman's dedication to her health and well-being is evident in her toned physique, glowing complexion, and overall vitality.

* The actress serves as an inspiration for others to prioritize their fitness and strive for their own personal health goals.