Nikki Haley Shows Unwavering Support for IDF Amidst Gaza Conflict

Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has been a vocal supporter of Israel during its recent conflict with Hamas, visiting the country to meet with military leaders and survivors of Palestinian attacks. During her visit, Haley penned a message of encouragement to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on an artillery shell.

Nikki Haley Shows Unwavering Support for IDF Amidst Gaza Conflict

Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has garnered attention for her unwavering support of Israel during its ongoing conflict with Hamas. Haley, a former United Nations ambassador and South Carolina governor, recently visited the country, met with military leaders, and penned a message of encouragement to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on an artillery shell.

Haley's visit took place amidst heightened international scrutiny of Israel's military operations in Gaza, which have resulted in a growing number of casualties. In a recent air strike on the southern city of Rafah, at least 45 people were killed, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to term it a "tragic mishap."

Nikki Haley Shows Unwavering Support for IDF Amidst Gaza Conflict

Despite the international pressure, Haley has remained steadfast in her support for Israel. During her visit, she penned a brief message of encouragement to the IDF on an artillery shell reading, "Finish them! America [loves] Israel always." Pictures of Haley signing the shell were posted on Twitter by Danny Danon, a member of Israel's Knesset and former ambassador to the U.N.

Haley's message echoes her previous statements in support of Israel's military campaign. Days after the October 7 attacks that claimed the lives of around 1,200 Israelis and took over 240 captive, Haley wrote on Twitter: "Finish them, @Netanyahu. They should have hell to pay for what they have just done."

Nikki Haley Shows Unwavering Support for IDF Amidst Gaza Conflict

During her visit to Israel, Haley also reiterated her support for the country's military mission. "Israel did not start this war — Hamas did," Haley wrote on Twitter. "Families in southern Israel woke on October 7, as 3,000 Hamas fighters brutalized Israelis." Haley went on to describe the atrocities committed by Palestinian civilians during the attacks.

Haley has emphasized that Israel has a right to "do whatever is necessary" to protect its people from harm. She believes that Israel's enemies are also America's enemies, and that the country's fight is in the interest of both Israel and the United States. Haley's message of support has been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised her unwavering support for Israel, while others have criticized her for her seemingly unconditional backing of the country's military operations.

Nikki Haley Shows Unwavering Support for IDF Amidst Gaza Conflict