Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

Speaker Mike Johnson and other Republicans are raising concerns about the integrity of U.S. elections, citing a loophole that allows noncitizens to register and vote. The article explores the SAVE Act, a proposed bill aimed at preventing noncitizen voting and ensuring only eligible Americans participate in elections.

### Article:

Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

The integrity of American elections is paramount, yet it faces a significant threat: noncitizen voting. This glaring loophole undermines the fairness and legitimacy of our electoral process.

In nearly every state, noncitizens can easily register to vote simply by completing a federal form and claiming U.S. citizenship. This loophole stems from a provision in the National Voter Registration Act that prohibits states from requesting proof of citizenship during voter registration.

Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

Noncitizen voting jeopardizes the rights of all Americans. Noncitizens have no regard for our laws and should not be allowed to interfere in our elections. A study from the 2008 election estimated that 6.4% of noncitizens voted, potentially swinging the outcome in key battleground states.

To address this threat, House Republicans have drafted the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. This legislation seeks to close the loophole and prevent noncitizens from registering to vote.

Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

* Requires state election officials to request proof of citizenship from all registrants.

* Grants state officials access to federal databases for citizenship verification.

Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy

* Mandates states to clean up voter rolls and process illegally registered aliens for removal.

* Allows states to accept various documents as proof of citizenship.

* Establishes an alternative process for Americans who have lost their citizenship documents.

* Directs DHS to notify states of naturalizations to facilitate voter registration for new citizens.

Polling indicates that 89% of Americans believe only U.S. citizens should vote, including strong support from Democrats, Black voters, and Hispanic voters.

Despite bipartisan support for election integrity, Democrat leaders have actively discouraged their members from supporting the SAVE Act. The White House has also issued a veto threat.

The Biden-Harris administration's mishandling of the border crisis has compounded the problem. Customs and Border Protection agents have been overwhelmed, forcing them to release illegal aliens into the country with minimal documentation. Many of these individuals end up at local DMVs, potentially registering to vote illegally.

In an era of narrow electoral margins, the potential impact of noncitizen voting is immense. A few hundred thousand illegal votes could sway the outcome of key races.

The SAVE Act is a critical piece of legislation that must be passed into law immediately. It is smart policy, overwhelmingly supported by the American people, and essential for preserving the integrity of our elections. Senator Schumer should bring the bill to the Senate for a vote, and President Biden should sign it into law. The stakes are too high to allow noncitizen voting to undermine American democracy.