Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

Inspired by his personal struggle, Notre Dame graduate Joshua Haskell has launched a nationwide initiative to help young men break the cycle of pornography addiction. Recognizing the widespread prevalence of this issue and the overwhelming need for support, Haskell's program aims to create a safe and empowering space for men to overcome this addiction and find healing through faith and accountability.

Notre Dame graduate Joshua Haskell is on a mission to address the pervasive problem of pornography addiction among young American men, an issue he believes is seldom discussed but has devastating consequences. After overcoming his own struggle with pornography in college, Haskell founded Ethos National, a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing peer-led support groups on college campuses across the country.

Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

Haskell's journey to recovery began when he realized the extent to which pornography addiction had taken hold of his life. He felt powerless and ashamed, assuming that he was alone in his struggle. However, he eventually found an online support group where he witnessed firsthand the power of sharing experiences and holding each other accountable.

Inspired by this experience, Haskell sought to create a similar support system on his own campus. He published his personal story in the school newspaper, expecting to be met with judgment and ostracism. To his surprise, he was instead greeted with overwhelming support, with people coming forward to share their own stories and express their gratitude for starting the program.

Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

Within two weeks of launching the program at Notre Dame, Haskell had over 100 participants, demonstrating the urgent need for this type of support. The program involves small groups of five people meeting once a week for half an hour, with each participant having an accountability partner they call every day. This structure fosters consistency, vulnerability, and a sense of community.

Haskell emphasizes the importance of removing temptation by recommending a complete detox from technology. He also plans to launch an app, a student leader training program, and a curriculum that will be available to thousands of students nationwide.

Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

Haskell believes that reducing the stigma surrounding pornography addiction is crucial for encouraging people to seek help. He hopes that by sharing his experiences and starting support groups, he can inspire others to seek the help they need and break the cycle of addiction.

Haskell's story highlights the growing recognition of the seriousness of pornography addiction and the need for comprehensive support systems. His initiative aims to provide young men with the tools and resources they need to overcome this addiction and live fulfilling lives.

Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

Notre Dame Grad's Mission: Eradicating Porn Addiction Among Young Men

* Over 90% of American men watch pornography monthly.

* Up to 94% of scenes in best-selling pornography portray violence or aggression against women.

* Haskell was inspired to start the program after witnessing the lack of support available for porn addiction.

* The program encourages participants to seek accountability and remove temptation.

* Haskell hopes to expand the program to every college campus in the U.S.