NYC Steamfitters Union Members Shift Support from Biden to Trump

New York City union members are expressing their frustration with President Biden's policies and are shifting their support to former President Trump, according to Steamfitters union apprentice Jason Murray. Murray argues that Biden's policies, such as canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and supporting increased immigration, have led to job losses and economic hardships for union members.

NYC Steamfitters Union Members Shift Support from Biden to Trump

Steamfitters union apprentice Jason Murray argues that New York City union members are shifting their political support in favor of former President Trump, citing concerns stemming from the Biden administration's policies on energy, immigration, and the economy.

NYC Steamfitters Union Members Shift Support from Biden to Trump

Murray described the shift in recent years away from the Democratic Party and why members are likely going to support Trump in November during "Jesse Watters Primetime."

"Just four years ago you could even see that our union, they said to support… Biden, and then immediately the week after he got into office and took over, laid off 10,000 of our workers. Some of my brothers," Murray told Jesse Watters on Thursday.

NYC Steamfitters Union Members Shift Support from Biden to Trump

"Laid them off. The job was gone. They were out working on the pipeline, [and he] shut down the pipeline," he continued. "Now, all these guys that had jobs out there working, trying to… provide for their family, they don't have a job anymore."

Murray argued that in addition to the massive number of layoffs, members are also fed up with inflation, surging consumer prices under Biden's leadership, and the Big Apple's handling of the migrant crisis.

"The cost of living just going through the roof. Everything," Murray said. "Everything that they promised. They say more work, they say all this, and then all of a sudden, they turn around. All these illegal immigrants coming in."

"Kathy Hochul, she was trying to give our work away," he continued. "So it's like you say, Democrats, you're here for the working man, yet here you're trying to give our jobs away to people that don't even have legal status here yet?"

Meanwhile, Trump visited a construction site in New York City on Thursday where he was met with praise from hundreds of union workers.

"We're very close in New York, I understand, and we're leading in the country by a lot," Trump said. "A poll just came out a little while ago, as you saw yesterday, that we were up in every swing state and up by a lot in every swing state, so, I think we're going to do very well, and we're going to make a play for New York."

"It's a great feeling," Murray said of Trump's visit. "Our business manager, who was on TV, he reached out to every single presidential candidate to see if they wanted to address our membership, and he got a response directly from Trump, directly from RFK."

"He has not received a single email or memo from Biden or his team," he continued.

Steamfitters Local 638 manager Bob Bartels, who is a lifelong Democrat, previously told "Fox & Friends" why he sees change on the horizon for the blue-collar vote and why workers are fed up with the Biden administration's policies despite Trump's legal woes.

"They are very agitated. They are living week to week, some of them are not affording their bills, and I think things need to change," he said Thursday.

"Members have basically told me, ‘Listen, we want to vote for this guy,’ so when the time is right and I have a bigger poll to be done, we will make that decision, but I will do whatever my members want me to do."