NYPD Dismantles Anti-Israel Encampments at New York Universities

Officers from the New York Police Department (NYPD) dispersed and arrested protesters at New York University (NYU) and The New School in New York City on Friday, removing tents and trash left behind by the demonstrators. According to officials, the actions were taken at the request of school presidents following complaints about anti-Israel demonstrations and unlawful encampments on campus.

NYPD Dismantles Anti-Israel Encampments at New York Universities

Sanitation workers disposed of tents and other gear left behind after NYPD officers broke up an anti-Israel encampment at New York University on Friday morning. Officers also arrested several protesters and cleared out similar demonstrations at The New School.

NYPD Dismantles Anti-Israel Encampments at New York Universities

Following the operations, NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell confirmed that 56 people were arrested between both schools without incident. He stated that the NYPD acted "at the request of school presidents" to disperse the protesters and remove their encampments.

NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry expressed concern about an organized movement behind the widespread protests, alleging that leaflets found at the scenes provided extensive instructions to demonstrators. He said, "There is somebody or some organization behind this movement. The level of organization that we're seeing in both of these schools and at Columbia."

NYPD Dismantles Anti-Israel Encampments at New York Universities

Daughtry explained that the leaflets included guidance on protest tactics, resisting arrest, and targeting Zionist businesses. He emphasized, "There is somebody funding this. There is somebody radicalizing our students."

Police officials noted that "99%" of those arrested on Friday were students. Chief Chell read excerpts from one leaflet that urged protesters to "occupy the occupiers" and "enter the temporary autonomous zone from New York to Gaza." Another called for "disruption, reclamation, and destruction of Zionist business interests everywhere."

NYPD Dismantles Anti-Israel Encampments at New York Universities

Chell said, "This is the mindset of some of these protests for sure." He also clarified that responding officers gave protesters at NYU multiple options to leave peacefully and avoid arrest. He added, "A couple said, I want to be arrested, and we said, okay."

The NYPD emphasized that the operation was not a "raid" like those recently experienced at the University of California, Los Angeles. Instead, Chell described it as "the removal of kids who were trespassing."

NYPD Dismantles Anti-Israel Encampments at New York Universities

Over 2,000 protesters have been arrested at colleges and universities across the U.S. in recent weeks, including students, faculty, and outside agitators involved in anti-Israel demonstrations and unlawful encampments. The NYPD has responded to these protests by coordinating with school officials and taking appropriate action to maintain order and protect campus communities.