Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

During a campaign kickoff event, a homeless woman stole a bag containing $1,000 worth of donations from an Oakland, California, City Council candidate. Despite calling 911, the police failed to respond, leaving the candidate and her team to fend for themselves.

Oakland, California - Charlene Wang, a City Council candidate running on a platform of addressing homelessness and crime, experienced a disturbing incident during her campaign kickoff event on Sunday. A homeless woman grabbed a bag containing approximately $1,000 worth of donations from her campaign team, and despite calls to the police, no response was received.

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Wang and her team confronted the woman, pleading for the return of the bag, but she refused and made off with the stolen money. Video footage of the interaction shows Wang attempting to reason with the agitated woman, offering her a meal and even money in exchange for the bag, but all efforts were met with resistance.

The Oakland Homeless Crisis: A Growing Concern

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Oakland has been grappling with a severe homelessness crisis in recent years, with thousands of people living on the streets. The lack of affordable housing, mental health services, and resources for the homeless has led to a visible and distressing situation.

Wang's Experience Reflects the Failures of the System

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Wang's experience highlights the challenges and inadequacies of the systems designed to provide assistance to the homeless and protect the public. The failure of the police to respond to her 911 call raises concerns about the prioritization of resources and the level of support available to Oakland residents in times of need.

Mental Health and Homelessness: Intertwined Issues

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

The woman who stole Wang's bag exhibited signs of mental distress, underscoring the complex relationship between homelessness and mental illness. The lack of access to adequate mental health services has contributed to the growing numbers of people living on the streets, as they often struggle with untreated conditions that make it difficult to maintain stable housing and employment.

Wang's Policy Goals: Addressing Homelessness and Crime

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Oakland Homeless Woman Steals Fundraising Money from City Council Candidate at Campaign Event

Wang's campaign platform includes addressing public safety, lowering the cost of living, and implementing a new strategy for homelessness. Her plans involve providing housing, social services, and job opportunities to those experiencing homelessness, as well as investing in technology and hiring more police officers to combat the city's alarming crime rates.

Oakland's Crime Statistics: A Contested Narrative

Oakland has reported a decline in violent crime rates in the first part of 2023, but a joint report by the San Francisco Chronicle and the Oakland Report claims that the Oakland Police Department (OPD) is misleading the public by comparing incomplete 2024 crime tallies to complete 2023 crime tallies.

OPD Refutes Claims of Crime Figure Distortion

The OPD has refuted these claims, asserting that they are comparing comparable data and that the perceived dip in crime is genuine. The department has also pointed to the implementation of new strategies and technologies as contributing factors to the reported decline.

Community Policing and Technology: Wang's Approach to Crime Reduction

Wang emphasizes the importance of both community policing and technology in addressing Oakland's crime problem. She believes that investing in community outreach programs and developing relationships within neighborhoods will foster trust and cooperation between law enforcement and residents. Additionally, she advocates for the use of technology, such as surveillance cameras and crime analysis software, to enhance police effectiveness.

Wang's Call for Enhanced Services

Wang's experience has reinforced her belief in the need for improved mental health services and crime prevention strategies. She urges the city to invest in programs that provide support and resources to the homeless population, while also working to reduce the incidence of violent crime that has plagued Oakland for too long.


The incident involving Charlene Wang and the homeless woman who stole her campaign funds underscores the complex and interconnected challenges facing Oakland and many other cities across the country. Addressing homelessness, mental health issues, and crime requires a multifaceted approach that involves collaboration between various stakeholders, including law enforcement, social services providers, and community organizations. Charlene Wang's commitment to these issues as a City Council candidate reflects the urgent need for change and the hope for a safer and more compassionate Oakland.