Obama-Biden State Department Interfered with Arrest Warrants on Iranian Agents, Whistleblower Claims

Whistleblower disclosures obtained by senators allege that the Obama-Biden State Department actively interfered with the execution of arrest warrants on individuals linked to Iran's weapons development and terrorist support.

Obama-Biden State Department Interfered with Arrest Warrants on Iranian Agents, Whistleblower Claims

The revelation comes from unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures obtained by Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson. The senators claim that while the Obama-Biden administration publicly pledged to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, then-Secretary of State John Kerry actively hindered the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from executing arrest warrants on individuals illegally supporting Iran's efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction.

The records suggest that the Justice Department and FBI leadership, including then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey, failed to take action against Kerry's obstructive efforts.

Obama-Biden State Department Interfered with Arrest Warrants on Iranian Agents, Whistleblower Claims

One FBI email detailed at least eight instances connected to the Iran nuclear deal where the FBI could have pursued cases, but the State Department blocked them. In six of these instances, the FBI lost the opportunity to arrest the main subject.

The email also alleges that one of the targets was on the Terrorism Watch List, while another returned to Iran. The State Department is said to have blocked one planned FBI arrest while the subject was mid-flight, forcing them to leave the US immediately upon arrival.

Obama-Biden State Department Interfered with Arrest Warrants on Iranian Agents, Whistleblower Claims

At least two targets were arrested only after the Trump administration took office, according to the email.

Whistleblower warnings about the failure to arrest known Iranians subject to arrest warrants date back to 2015 and were allegedly politically motivated.

Obama-Biden State Department Interfered with Arrest Warrants on Iranian Agents, Whistleblower Claims

A July 2015 email shows concerns about stand-down orders to arrest criminal Iranians. An April 28, 2016 email states that the State Department had been blocking FBI actions that required its approval or concurrence, primarily visas and lure operations.

Grassley and Johnson argue that the Obama/Biden administration's State Department actively interfered with FBI operations involving the arrest of known terrorists and other criminals providing support to Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

Obama-Biden State Department Interfered with Arrest Warrants on Iranian Agents, Whistleblower Claims

The senators demand records from email archives of Kerry, now-CIA Director Bill Burns, Wendy Sherman, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. They also seek records related to the cases the FBI was unable to pursue due to alleged State Department interference.

The FBI and DOJ confirmed receipt of Grassley's letter but declined to comment further. The State Department did not respond to a request for comment.

Obama-Biden State Department Interfered with Arrest Warrants on Iranian Agents, Whistleblower Claims

The allegations raise serious questions about the Obama-Biden administration's handling of Iranian threats and the extent of its interference with law enforcement operations.

Obama-Biden State Department Interfered with Arrest Warrants on Iranian Agents, Whistleblower Claims