Obama Bro Confirms Clooney's Claims on Biden's Mental Fitness

A former Obama adviser has broken his silence, confirming the concerns raised by actor George Clooney in a damaging op-ed questioning President Biden's mental fitness for office. The adviser's remarks add weight to the growing chorus of voices within Biden's own party calling for him to step aside.

Former Obama adviser Jon Favreau has broken his silence on the controversy surrounding President Biden's mental fitness, confirming the concerns raised by actor George Clooney in a damaging op-ed published in The New York Times. Favreau's comments come just hours after Clooney's essay, which called on Biden to quit the 2024 race due to concerns over his declining cognitive abilities.

Obama Bro Confirms Clooney's Claims on Biden's Mental Fitness

Obama Bro Confirms Clooney's Claims on Biden's Mental Fitness

According to a report by Politico, Obama was aware of Clooney's op-ed beforehand but did not object to its publication. This revelation is particularly striking given that Obama was one of the first prominent figures to defend Biden following his abysmal performance in the presidential debate against former President Donald Trump.

Favreau's confirmation of Clooney's claims further intensifies the pressure on Biden to address his mental fitness publicly. In his op-ed, Clooney described witnessing signs of Biden's decline at a Hollywood fundraiser he hosted with Obama in June.

Obama Bro Confirms Clooney's Claims on Biden's Mental Fitness

Obama Bro Confirms Clooney's Claims on Biden's Mental Fitness

"It's devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe 'big F-ing deal' Biden of 2010," Clooney wrote. "He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate."

Clooney's essay joins a growing chorus of calls for Biden to step aside. Members of Biden's own party, political allies, and liberal media figures have expressed concerns about his ability to handle the demands of the presidency.

Obama Bro Confirms Clooney's Claims on Biden's Mental Fitness

Obama Bro Confirms Clooney's Claims on Biden's Mental Fitness

Despite the mounting pressure, Biden has insisted that he will stay in the race. He has told supporters and media outlets that he is confident in his abilities and believes he is the best choice to defeat Trump.

However, the revelations from Favreau and Clooney have further eroded confidence in Biden's mental fitness. The president's supporters are now facing the difficult task of balancing their loyalty to Biden with the growing concerns about his cognitive abilities.

The controversy over Biden's mental fitness is likely to continue to dominate the headlines in the coming weeks and months. As the 2024 presidential race heats up, Biden will face increasing pressure to address these concerns publicly and provide reassurances that he is fit to serve as president.