Oklahoma Mandate: Patriotism in Schools, Bible in Curriculum

Amidst a recent incident involving an American flag removal from a student's truck, Oklahoma State School Superintendent Ryan Walters announced new guidelines for state schools, promoting patriotism and incorporating religious texts into curriculum.

Oklahoma State School Superintendent Ryan Walters, in a recent interview with Fox News Channel, declared new guidelines for state schools, aimed at fostering patriotism and promoting a stronger understanding of the nation's founding principles.

Walters' statement follows an incident at Edmond North High School, where senior Caleb Horst was instructed to remove American flags from his pickup truck. The incident, which sparked widespread attention, prompted Walters to initiate changes in school policies.

Oklahoma Mandate: Patriotism in Schools, Bible in Curriculum

Oklahoma Mandate: Patriotism in Schools, Bible in Curriculum

Under the new guidelines, schools will be required to develop clear policies allowing the display of flags and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at least once a week. Moreover, schools will be obligated to file reports demonstrating compliance with these guidelines.

"No school in Oklahoma should tell students they can't wave an American flag," Walters asserted. "We've had Americans die for that flag, die for students to have the right to carry the flag, to wave the flag, to be proud of that American flag."

Oklahoma Mandate: Patriotism in Schools, Bible in Curriculum

Oklahoma Mandate: Patriotism in Schools, Bible in Curriculum

Walters emphasized the importance of countering anti-Americanism prevalent in certain sectors, particularly among the "Biden administration, by the teachers' unions, by the radical left."

"We're not tolerating it in our schools. We want patriots. We want our students flying the American flag," he stated.

Oklahoma Mandate: Patriotism in Schools, Bible in Curriculum

Oklahoma Mandate: Patriotism in Schools, Bible in Curriculum

In addition to promoting patriotism, Walters has directed schools to incorporate the Bible and Ten Commandments into their curricula for grades 5-10. Walters explained that this measure aligns with educational standards approved in 2019 and aims to provide a deeper understanding of historical context.

"We need more patriotism," Walters declared. "We've seen our schools become leftist indoctrination mills pushing hatred for country. That's not going to happen in Oklahoma."

Walters' initiatives have drawn mixed reactions. Some have applauded his efforts to promote patriotism and incorporate religious texts, while others have expressed concerns about potential infringement on First Amendment rights and the separation of church and state.

Amidst these differing viewpoints, Walters remains resolute in his mission to strengthen patriotism and provide a comprehensive understanding of the nation's founding in Oklahoma schools.