Olympian's Genital Mishap Sparks Social Media Frenzy

French pole vaulter Anthony Ammirati's attempt to clear a height at the Olympics resulted in an embarrassing and unfortunate failure that became the subject of crude jokes on social media.

Tokyo, Japan - Anthony Ammirati, a 21-year-old French pole vaulter, has become an unlikely internet sensation following a bizarre failed attempt at clearing a 5.70-meter height during the men's pole vault qualification at the Tokyo Olympics.

During his third attempt on Saturday, Ammirati's male region clipped the bar twice as he attempted to vault over it, resulting in a failed attempt and drawing audible gasps from the crowd. A replay of the incident revealed the embarrassing reason for his failure, prompting a flurry of commentary on social media.

Olympian's Genital Mishap Sparks Social Media Frenzy

Olympian's Genital Mishap Sparks Social Media Frenzy

Broadcasters seemed uncertain how to address the situation, but social media users were quick to seize upon the mishap, turning Ammirati into the butt of numerous crude jokes. "Oh he brought that baguette to the games," one user wrote. Another quipped, "Well, you win some, you lose some."

The incident quickly went viral, with Ammirati's Instagram follower count surging from around 8,400 to over 32,000 in a matter of hours.

Olympian's Genital Mishap Sparks Social Media Frenzy

Olympian's Genital Mishap Sparks Social Media Frenzy

Given the ongoing controversy surrounding transgender athletes in women's sports, some of the jokes took on a sarcastic or critical tone. "I can understand this happening to a male athlete. When it happens to a 'female' athlete it raises eyebrows," one user posted. Another user even posted a tally of Ammirati's Instagram follower count, which increased by thousands within minutes.

Despite the mishap, Ammirati managed a best vault of 5.60 meters, placing him in 15th place overall. The men's pole vault final is scheduled for Monday, and Ammirati remains hopeful of making amends for his unfortunate failure.

Olympian's Genital Mishap Sparks Social Media Frenzy

Olympian's Genital Mishap Sparks Social Media Frenzy

Ammirati's mishap has also sparked a wider discussion about the potential risks and challenges faced by male athletes in sports that require tight-fitting outfits and rigorous physical exertion. Many have pointed out that such incidents are not isolated and can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort for athletes.

The incident has also raised questions about the role of social media in amplifying and sometimes sensationalizing such mishaps. While some may find humor in such situations, others argue that it is important to respect the privacy and dignity of athletes who are vulnerable to such mishaps.

As the Olympics continue, Anthony Ammirati will be looking to put his embarrassing moment behind him and focus on his remaining competitions. However, the social media storm surrounding his genital mishap is likely to follow him for some time to come.