Oprah and 'The View': From Fans to Foes

In the wake of Oprah Winfrey and "The View" co-hosts' scathing criticisms of former President Donald Trump, a revealing look at their previous admiration for the businessman turned politician has emerged, prompting questions about the motivations behind their sudden change of heart.

The relationship between Oprah Winfrey and Donald Trump, once marked by mutual admiration and public amicability, has undergone a dramatic transformation since Trump's entry into politics. Winfrey, who hosted Trump on her talk show multiple times and once even considered running for president with him as her vice president, has become one of his most vocal critics.

Oprah and 'The View': From Fans to Foes

Oprah and 'The View': From Fans to Foes

Similarly, co-hosts of the popular daytime talk show "The View" have turned from enthusiastic supporters of Trump to harsh detractors. In 2016, several co-hosts expressed their admiration for Trump's charisma and business acumen, with Whoopi Goldberg even predicting his victory in the presidential election. However, since Trump's inauguration, the show's hosts have repeatedly denounced his policies and actions.

The sudden shift in both Winfrey and "The View" co-hosts' attitudes towards Trump has raised eyebrows and sparked speculation about the underlying reasons for their change of heart. Some observers suggest that their previous support for Trump was based on his celebrity and business success, rather than a deep understanding of his political views.

Oprah and 'The View': From Fans to Foes

Oprah and 'The View': From Fans to Foes

However, others argue that their转变源于对特朗普政策和行为的失望和愤怒。温弗瑞批评特朗普的言论,指责他煽动种族主义和分裂,而“观点”的联合主持人则谴责他的移民政策、对女性的态度和他在应对新冠疫情时的失败。

The contrast between Winfrey and "The View" co-hosts' previous admiration for Trump and their current disdain has been highlighted by the release of footage and written correspondence from the past. In 2000, Winfrey wrote a letter to Trump称赞他“具有总统风采”。同样,一些“观点”联合主持人曾公开对特朗普表示支持,称他是“有趣”和“迷人”的。

Oprah and 'The View': From Fans to Foes

Oprah and 'The View': From Fans to Foes



无论原因如何,Oprah Winfrey和“The View”联合主持人对特朗普态度的180度转变都成为政治舆论转变的一个引人注目的例子。