Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Once a supporter of Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey has emerged as one of his most vocal critics, delivering a powerful speech at the Democratic National Convention.

In a 1988 interview with Oprah Winfrey, the celebrity talk show host expressed amazement at Americans' "fascination" with Donald Trump, describing him as a "folk hero" for his popularity.

"When you were seated, you got the loudest applause. People stood up and roared and cheered when you walked in," Winfrey said. "Why is that? What is this fascination?"

Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Trump, visibly flattered, replied, "I don't know, maybe I should be a rockstar."

Oprah, with a hint of amusement, quipped, "They thought you were going to moonwalk."

Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Years later, Winfrey's view of Trump would undergo a dramatic shift. At the 2020 Democratic National Convention, she delivered a blistering speech condemning his presidency.

"We know all the old tricks and tropes that are designed to distract us from what actually matters," Winfrey told the crowd. "But we are beyond ridiculous tweets and lies and foolery."

Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Winfrey also took aim at Trump's comments that if elected, voters "won't have to vote anymore" because he would solve all their problems.

"Well, you know what? You're looking at a registered Independent who's proud to vote again and again and again because I'm an American. And that's what Americans do. Voting is the best of America."

Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Oprah's Transformation: From Trump Fan to Fierce Critic

Following her speech, the Trump campaign released a 2000 letter in which Winfrey praised Trump, suggesting he would make a good president and that they would form a formidable team.

Winfrey later clarified that her views had changed, saying, "I might have thought it back then, but I might have thought it 23 years ago."

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt dismissed Winfrey's criticism, saying, "This is typical. Many of the liberal celebrities attacking President Trump now used to love him."

Winfrey's transformation from Trump admirer to ardent critic reflects a broader shift in public opinion. Trump's presidency has been highly divisive, and Winfrey's change of heart is emblematic of the growing disillusionment among many Americans.

It remains to be seen whether Winfrey's speech will have an impact on the 2020 election. However, it is clear that her voice is an influential one, and her criticism of Trump carries significant weight.

Oprah's journey from Trump supporter to fierce critic serves as a reminder that even the most deeply held beliefs can evolve over time. It also underscores the power of speaking out against injustice, regardless of one's past views.