Oscar Pistorius Released: First Images Show Former Paralympian Looking Gaunt and Gray

Disgraced former Paralympian Oscar Pistorius has been spotted for the first time since his release from prison for murdering his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Images captured by a South African news site reveal a gaunt and gray-haired Pistorius, who is now 37 years old.

Oscar Pistorius Released: First Images Show Former Paralympian Looking Gaunt and Gray

Oscar Pistorius, the former Paralympian track star, was imprisoned for nine years for fatally shooting his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, on Valentine's Day in 2013. During his trial, Pistorius claimed that he mistook Steenkamp for a burglar when he opened fire through a closed bathroom door. Prosecutors argued that he knew she was on the other side of the door because they had just had an argument.

Upon his release in January 2024, Pistorius was granted parole until 2029. However, he must adhere to strict conditions, including random check-ins from his parole officer, abstaining from alcohol, and refraining from using social media or contacting the Steenkamp family. Additionally, Pistorius is required to undergo anger management therapy.

Oscar Pistorius Released: First Images Show Former Paralympian Looking Gaunt and Gray

Images first captured by South African news site Netwerk24 show a noticeably changed Pistorius, who appears thinner and older than during his time in prison. Sources indicate that he has been working out regularly and maintaining a strict diet.

One of Steenkamp's friends expressed concern over Pistorius's recent photos, stating that she finds it disturbing to see him smiling. She added that she believes he should be held accountable for his actions.

Oscar Pistorius Released: First Images Show Former Paralympian Looking Gaunt and Gray

Despite his criminal record, Pistorius has reportedly struggled to find employment since his release. A member of the South Africa's Paralympic Committee claims that Pistorius is "too toxic to work with."

Prior to his incarceration, Pistorius was a celebrated Paralympian known as the "Blade Runner" due to the prosthetic legs he used in races. He made history by competing in the 2012 London Olympics alongside able-bodied athletes.

Pistorius was born without fibula bones in either leg and underwent amputations below both knees before his first birthday. His exceptional athletic abilities and determination had previously inspired countless people around the world.

The case of Oscar Pistorius has been a highly controversial and publicized one, with opinions on his guilt and sentence varying widely. Some believe that his imprisonment was justified, while others maintain that he deserves a second chance.

The recent images of Pistorius have reignited discussions about the nature of forgiveness and accountability. While he has served his time in prison, the pain and loss experienced by Steenkamp's loved ones remains immeasurable.

As Pistorius embarks on his new life outside of prison, it remains to be seen whether he can find redemption and rebuild his life. However, the shadow of his past will likely follow him wherever he goes.