Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys

A wealthy Los Angeles philanthropist sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for driving into a crosswalk at over 80 mph, killing two young brothers, has sparked outrage and accusations of preferential treatment.

Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys

The mother of two California boys who were killed by a rich and powerful socialite in a reckless hit-and-run incident has vowed to confront the convicted murderer in prison, demanding a sincere apology for her actions.

Nancy Iskander, whose sons Mark, 11, and Jacob, 8, were fatally struck by Rebecca Grossman's speeding Mercedes in 2020, expressed her disbelief over the lenient 15-year-to-life sentence imposed by Judge Joseph Brandolino.

Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys

During a sentencing hearing marred by delays and accusations of juror tampering, prosecutors described Grossman as a "completely self-serving" narcissist who lacked remorse for the deaths. They had sought the maximum sentence of 34 years to life in prison, arguing that her actions were a willful disregard for the safety of others.

However, Judge Brandolino opted for concurrent sentences, essentially treating the murders of the two boys as one event and dismissing the severity of Grossman's attempt to flee the scene.

Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys

"I don't think I'll ever be able to accept that, or even understand the judge's point of view," Iskander told Fox News Digital. "It's like he erased the fact that she left her victims there and tried to run away."

Grossman's defense attorney, James Spertus, maintained that the judge had carefully considered the case and emphasized his client's lack of prior criminal history and her years of charitable work. However, prosecutors have argued that her wealth and status undoubtedly influenced the lenient sentence.

Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys

Garrett Dameron, a supervisor in the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office, described the sentence as "deeply offensive," highlighting a nearby case where a man received a 30-year-to-life sentence for causing a fatal collision while high.

"She showed no regard for our justice system, and he rewards her with the lightest possible sentence," Dameron said.

Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys

Adding to the controversy, Grossman was accused of violating court orders while in prison, including attempted juror tampering and contacting witnesses. Prosecutors also allege that she tried to release sealed evidence to the public.

Iskander revealed that Grossman made an anonymous donation of $25,000 towards the boys' funeral costs, which she considered a violation of her right to reject the killer's money.

Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys

"She essentially tried to buy her way out of this," Dameron said. "Never has she once shown a modicum of remorse or taken responsibility."

Meanwhile, Iskander and her family have channeled their grief into helping others, establishing a foundation in honor of Mark and Jacob and launching a foster care project. They also plan to raise funds for their charitable endeavors at an upcoming event on October 20th.

Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys

Iskander expressed her determination to help other parents who have suffered the loss of a child, emphasizing the importance of maintaining faith and not allowing tragedy to shatter their lives.

Outrage as California Socialite Receives Lenient Sentence for Killing Two Boys