Paper Trail: A Surprising and Enjoyable Puzzle Adventure from Netflix Games

Paper Trail, the latest addition to Netflix Games, is an intuitive and engaging puzzle adventure that offers a relaxing and thought-provoking experience.

 Paper Trail review - “Another great Netflix exclusive”

Paper Trail: A Surprising and Enjoyable Puzzle Adventure from Netflix Games


Netflix Games has consistently delivered high-quality mobile titles, and Paper Trail is no exception. This indie gem from Newfangled Games and Henry Hoffman, the award-winning creator of Hue, brings a captivating story and innovative puzzle mechanics to the forefront.


Paper Trail follows the journey of Paige, an aspiring academic who runs away from home to pursue her dreams in the Big City. Along the way, she encounters a diverse cast of characters and explores enchanting landscapes, unraveling her own identity and the secrets of the world.


The gameplay seamlessly blends narrative sequences with open-ended exploration. The core mechanic revolves around "folding" the world like paper, creating pathways, circumventing obstacles, and solving puzzles. The intuitive controls allow players to quickly grasp the mechanics and progress through the game.

Unique Puzzle Mechanics:

Paper Trail's puzzle mechanics go beyond folding paper. Players must also form paths, drag obstacles, and collect keys to unlock new routes. The paper folding serves as a foundation for these additional elements, enhancing the gameplay depth and variety.

Graphics and Aesthetics:

The minimalist art style is executed with precision, combining primary colors with subtle shades. The key art for each narrative sequence effectively conveys the story while showcasing the game's paper-folding mechanics.

Immersive Experience:

While Paper Trail was not originally designed for mobile, its immersive gameplay and ambient soundtrack draw players into the game world. The comfortable recliner experience is recommended for optimal enjoyment.


Paper Trail's strengths lie in its relaxing atmosphere, excellent sound design, intuitive puzzle mechanics, and helpful hints. The game is accessible to all skill levels, making it an enjoyable experience for a wide audience.

Potential Drawbacks:

Some players may find the story overly familiar or the controls occasionally finicky. The specific folding patterns may also pose challenges, but the game provides hints to alleviate any frustration.


Paper Trail is a testament to the exceptional quality of Netflix Games. Its unique and engaging puzzle mechanics, along with its captivating story, offer a refreshing and thought-provoking experience. Whether you're an avid puzzle enthusiast or simply seeking something new and captivating, Paper Trail is highly recommended.

Call to Action:

Given its free availability with a Netflix subscription, Paper Trail is an absolute must-try. Step out of your comfort zone and explore the magical pages of this indie gem. You may just discover a hidden gem that will leave a lasting impression.