Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Hunter Pollack, whose sister was killed in the 2018 Parkland school shooting, expressed his support for the demolition of the building where the tragedy occurred, describing it as a constant reminder of the horrific event.

Hunter Pollack, the brother of one of the victims of the 2018 Parkland school shooting, has expressed his support for the demolition of the building where the tragedy took place, saying it will provide "closure" for the community.

The demolition of the 1200 building at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began on Friday, June 14th, 2024, after a long process of planning and legal proceedings. The building had been the site of the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history, in which 14 students and three adults were killed.

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Pollack, whose sister Meadow was among those slain, told Fox News Digital that the building was a constant reminder of the horrific event.

"Every day I drive by that building, the pain in my heart. It makes me want to throw up because it reminds me my sister was murdered on that third floor. It could have been prevented, it wasn't prevented, and it makes me furious," said Pollack, now 26.

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

He believes that the demolition of the building will remove a constant source of pain for the community.

"I think the building should be knocked down. We'll never forget that Meadow is dead, of course, she’ll be forever in our hearts," said Pollack.

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

The 1200 building has stood as a grim reminder of the tragedy for students and staff who have been attending school in a new adjacent building on the campus. The new building replaced temporary classrooms that had been used since the massacre occurred.

Crews using heavy equipment began the demolition process on Friday, with the operation expected to take several weeks. Survivors, victims' families, as well as teachers and staff, were given the opportunity to retrieve any desired items from the building before the demolition commenced.

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Pollack noted that the building's prominent location in the neighborhood, at the intersection of Holmberg and Pine Island, made it a daily reminder of the tragedy for residents.

"We don't need the building there to remind us, the building is just a negative thing in our community," said Pollack.

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

"Especially for the kids going to school there and the other people that live in Parkland that weren't necessarily affected by the tragedy. But I have to be reminded every time they drive by the building. So I'm 100% in support of knocking down that building. It's time we provide our community with some closure and having that building does not provide any closure."

It is unclear what will become of the site after the structure is demolished. Pollack suggested the possibility of a memorial, but ultimately believes the decision should rest with local officials.

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

"I think we could build a beautiful memorial, but if we build nothing, I'm OK with that, too," said Pollack.

"At the end of the day, it's up to the school board and the other municipalities and elected officials in Broward County to make that decision. But it's not fair to the other people in the community to just constantly be reminded of such a terrible tragedy that occurred in Parkland."

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'

Parkland School Shooting Victim's Brother Welcomes Demolition of Building: 'Closure'