Pat McAfee Blasts Sports Media for Mischaracterizations, Calls Out ESPN and Specific Outlets

Pat McAfee, former NFL punter and current host of "The Pat McAfee Show," has accused certain members of the sports media of grossly mischaracterizing his daily talk show and engaging in questionable journalistic practices.

Former NFL punter and current "The Pat McAfee Show" host Pat McAfee has unleashed a scathing attack on some members of the sports media world, accusing them of mischaracterizing his show and engaging in unethical journalism.

During the annual media day for "The Worldwide Leaders in Sports," McAfee, who now hosts a popular show on ESPN, expressed his frustration with the way his program has been portrayed by certain outlets.

Pat McAfee Blasts Sports Media for Mischaracterizations, Calls Out ESPN and Specific Outlets

Pat McAfee Blasts Sports Media for Mischaracterizations, Calls Out ESPN and Specific Outlets

When asked whether he had discussed "journalistic standards" with his peers since moving from YouTube to ESPN, McAfee initially pushed the reporter to define "journalistic standards" before launching into a tirade against the sports media landscape.

"Sports media has never been wrong before? Did we have doctors on set during all of COVID on ESPN? How did that all go?" McAfee asked sarcastically.

Pat McAfee Blasts Sports Media for Mischaracterizations, Calls Out ESPN and Specific Outlets

Pat McAfee Blasts Sports Media for Mischaracterizations, Calls Out ESPN and Specific Outlets

"So, whenever you talk about these journalistic standards, was that at journalism school … we break news, I think, every other day on our show that would be nowhere else. Is that journalism, getting people to open up and chit-chat and talk and expand about who they are, is that journalism, interviewing people that never talked anywhere? Is that journalism?"

Andrew Marchand, a columnist for The Athletic, later asked McAfee to provide specific examples of mischaracterizations he believed he had faced.

Pat McAfee Blasts Sports Media for Mischaracterizations, Calls Out ESPN and Specific Outlets

Pat McAfee Blasts Sports Media for Mischaracterizations, Calls Out ESPN and Specific Outlets

"Because you made a lot of my life hell for a bit with the things that you reported, how you were reporting, what you were saying, and your source at the time was kept out of the conversation for purpose because of everything that you were kind of going to do," McAfee said, referring to Marchand's coverage of his dispute with former ESPN executive Norby Williamson.

"So I just think an image was painted of me through a lot of different mischaracterizations and misrepresentations of what our show is. … And sometimes we might be the worst people on TV, and we’re going to try not to be that going forward."

In October 2023, McAfee had called Marchand "a rat" for his coverage of the compensation Aaron Rodgers received for appearances on "The Pat McAfee Show."

McAfee's comments have sparked a debate about journalistic ethics and the role of sports media in covering athletes and their shows. Some have defended McAfee, arguing that he has a right to criticize the media, while others have accused him of being thin-skinned and unable to handle criticism.

The controversy is likely to continue as McAfee's show continues to grow in popularity and his influence in the sports world increases.