Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

The latest social media trend, "pebbling," is inspired by Gentoo penguins, who leave pebbles in the nests of their mates. By sending memes, videos, or links, people can connect and show affection, whether between couples, friends, or family members.

In the digital age, social media trends are constantly emerging, and one of the latest is "pebbling." Inspired by Gentoo penguins known for leaving pebbles in the nests of their mates, pebbling involves sending memes, videos, or links to connect or show affection.

"Pebbling is an act of care," said Dr. Adam Grant, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton business school. "Every pebble is a bid for connection."

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

While pebbling has become popular among young couples, it can also bridge connections between adults and their children. Sharing memes and online reels in a family group chat is a way to foster connection with teens during times when face-to-face communication becomes more difficult.

"It is less intense and feels safer to kids who grew up in a digital age," said Christine MacInnis, a licensed family therapist in Torrance, California.

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

Pebbling has also become an effective communication tool used in the neurodivergent community.

"Deriving its long-standing and well-documented success in the neurodivergent community, pebbling has the potential to enhance communication among parents and their teens," said Dr. Elissa Giffords, a licensed clinical social worker and professor at Long Island University.

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

By sharing memes, links, GIFs, or videos, parents can show their children that they are thinking of them.

"Even if their children roll their eyes or consider what was received as goofy, the basic 'I am thinking about you' message is conveyed," said Giffords.

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

While pebbling can be a positive way to demonstrate affection, empathy, and concern, parents should be mindful of not overdoing it.

"Parents should be mindful of not overdoing it when offering their 'pebbles,'" said Giffords. "Used intentionally, pebbling could become an activity that both parties enjoy and could provide an opportunity for a later discussion."

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

Pebbling: The New Way to Connect

Some couples have found pebbling to be a fun and easy way to express affection.

"I send Instagram Reels to Abby when it relates to something she’s done in the past ... I also send TikToks about murder mystery shows and cute animals to spark her interest," said Cooper, a young man in his 20s from Maryland.

Pebbling can also help couples stay connected when they are apart.

"I’ll always send Coop new restaurants I see or foods and recipes I want to try," said Abby, Cooper's partner. "And it’s a way of saying, ‘Hey, let’s try this,’ but it also brings us closer because it means we can go and do it together. And we both love food … so you can never go wrong with a food meme or TikTok."

While pebbling can be a positive way to build connections, it should not be the only form of communication between two people.

"For some people, it might be hard because there’s less communication involved if you are always sending memes instead of talking in person," said one woman.

Like any social media trend, pebbling should be used in moderation and as a complement to other forms of communication. By using pebbling intentionally, individuals can foster closer connections and build stronger relationships.