Pelosi Accuses Trump of Cowardice, Compares Him to British Oppression

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that former President Donald Trump might skip the upcoming presidential debate due to "cowardice," while the Trump campaign dismissed her claims as "fake news."

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has drawn parallels between former President Donald Trump and the British oppressors of the 13 American colonies. Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival, Pelosi accused Trump of being "a threat to the U.S."

Pelosi's comments come as Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris prepare for their upcoming debate. Pelosi expressed skepticism about Trump's willingness to participate in the debate, prompting laughter and applause from the largely liberal audience.

Pelosi Accuses Trump of Cowardice, Compares Him to British Oppression

Pelosi Accuses Trump of Cowardice, Compares Him to British Oppression

"You think he's gonna show up?" Pelosi quipped, eliciting a collective chuckle followed by a round of applause.

When asked if she knew something the audience didn't, Pelosi replied, "I know cowardice when I see it."

Pelosi Accuses Trump of Cowardice, Compares Him to British Oppression

Pelosi Accuses Trump of Cowardice, Compares Him to British Oppression

Pelosi's remarks echo those of former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who labeled Trump a "misogynist pig" at the same festival earlier this year. Pelosi praised Cheney, calling her "wonderful."

Pelosi and Trump have a history of acrimony, frequently exchanging barbs. In 2020, Pelosi famously tore up her copy of Trump's State of the Union address after he delivered it to a joint session of Congress.

Pelosi Accuses Trump of Cowardice, Compares Him to British Oppression

Pelosi Accuses Trump of Cowardice, Compares Him to British Oppression

The Trump campaign has vehemently denied Pelosi's suggestion that Trump would skip the debate, labeling it "fake news."

"Nancy Pelosi has no idea what she is talking about and has been proven to be a liar and fraud," Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Fox News Digital. "If she isn't busy giving herself fake titles to make herself feel better, she's peddling fake news because it's the only thing she's ever done."

Trump and Harris are scheduled to debate on Tuesday night in Philadelphia. Pelosi's comments raise questions about the former president's commitment to the debate and highlight the ongoing animosity between him and his political opponents.

Analysts have weighed in on Pelosi's statements, with some expressing skepticism about Trump's willingness to participate in the debate.

"Pelosi's remarks reflect the growing perception that Trump may be hesitant to engage in the debate format," said political commentator John Podhoretz. "Trump has repeatedly attacked the debate process and has a history of withdrawing from debates or interviews when he feels threatened."

Others believe Pelosi's comments are simply a political ploy.

"Pelosi's goal is to sow doubt and confusion around the debate," said Republican strategist Karl Rove. "She is trying to create the impression that Trump is afraid to face Harris, even though there is no evidence to support this claim."

Regardless of Trump's intentions, Pelosi's remarks have fueled speculation and cast a shadow over the upcoming debate. The event is widely anticipated as a crucial moment in the presidential campaign and could have a significant impact on the election's outcome.