Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has expressed a loss of confidence in the Supreme Court, calling it "rogue" amid swirling ethics controversies and a push among Democrats to make the conservative majority a campaign issue.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has strongly criticized the Supreme Court, labeling it "rogue" and demanding the imposition of a code of ethics. Pelosi's comments came during an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper on the second anniversary of the court's controversial Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which overturned Roe v. Wade.

"No, I think they've gone rogue. It's most unfortunate," Pelosi said when asked by Cooper if she had confidence in the court. "But it's unfortunate further to see… what happened to the chief justice [John Roberts]? Did he go weak or did he go rogue? I don't know."

Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

Pelosi's remarks reflect the growing concerns among Democrats about the conservative-dominated Supreme Court, particularly its ethical controversies. Two justices, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, have come under fire for taking undisclosed luxury trips, sparking calls for a code of ethics to ensure transparency and accountability.

"They're trying to micromanage the Roberts court. They're trying to destroy Alito and Thomas because they don't like the fact they're conservative judges," said Senator Lindsey Graham, a staunch Republican critic of the ethics push.

Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

Senate Republicans ultimately blocked a bill that would have imposed new ethics and recusal requirements on Supreme Court justices, arguing that it was a partisan attempt to undermine the court's independence.

Democrats, however, maintain that the ethics issues facing the court require urgent attention. They point to the conservative majority's role in overturning Roe v. Wade and other landmark rulings, arguing that the court has overstepped its constitutional authority and failed to uphold the principles of justice and equality.

Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

"I respect their [the Supreme Court's] point of view. If they have a point of view about a woman’s right to choose, okay, but that’s not what they’re there to do — to advocate for a point of view. Run for Congress," Pelosi said. "They’re there to uphold the Constitution of the United States."

Pelosi's comments come as Democrats ramp up their efforts to protect abortion rights and mobilize voters ahead of the 2024 presidential election. They plan to host over 50 events across the nation to mark the anniversary of the Dobbs ruling and highlight the importance of reproductive rights.

Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

Pelosi Blasts 'Rogue' Supreme Court, Demands Code of Ethics Amid Ethics Controversies

The Supreme Court's ethics controversies and its conservative rulings have become a major flashpoint in American politics, with Democrats and Republicans sharply divided over the court's role and accountability. Pelosi's latest comments underscore the deep concerns among Democrats about the court's direction and its impact on the nation's legal and political landscape.