Pelosi Compares Trump to British, Likens Toppling Him to American Revolution

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has drawn a comparison between former President Donald Trump and the British government during the American Revolution, suggesting that defeating him in the upcoming election is as crucial as the fight for independence. Her comments come just over a month after an assassination attempt on Trump.

**1.** Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, has compared the threat posed by former President Donald Trump to America's existential wars, a little over a month after the assassination attempt on the 45th president.

Pelosi Compares Trump to British, Likens Toppling Him to American Revolution

Pelosi Compares Trump to British, Likens Toppling Him to American Revolution

**2.** During the fourth and final day of MSNBC's coverage of the Democratic National Convention, Pelosi appeared on the network to discuss the party's mission to defeat Trump in November, whom she suggested is as much of a threat to democracy as the British government was during the American Revolution.

**3.** "The times have found us," Pelosi declared to network anchor Andrea Mitchell, noting that liberals are facing the same stakes that were present in 1776 and then the Civil War.

Pelosi Compares Trump to British, Likens Toppling Him to American Revolution

Pelosi Compares Trump to British, Likens Toppling Him to American Revolution

**4.** "We have to defeat a person who is a threat to our democracy of the kind that we have not seen – At the beginning of our country, Thomas Paine said that times have found us. Declare war, establish a new nation."

**5.** She continued, comparing it to another fraught time in American history. "Abraham Lincoln took up that charge to keep our country together years later – decades later, and now the times have found us to save our democracy," she said, adding, "That is what we are here to do."

Pelosi Compares Trump to British, Likens Toppling Him to American Revolution

Pelosi Compares Trump to British, Likens Toppling Him to American Revolution

**6.** Pelosi's dark characterization of the former president comes just over a month after President Biden urged the party to lower the charged political rhetoric following the attempted assassination of Trump.

**7.** On the evening of the Trump shooting, Biden addressed Americans, saying, "My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics. Do remember, while we may disagree, we are not enemies. We're neighbors, we're friends, coworkers, citizens, and most importantly, we are fellow Americans. We must stand together."

**8.** Conservative critics swiftly condemned Pelosi's statement. Conservative digital strategist Greg Price shared a clip of Pelosi's words, commenting, "Pelosi says that defeating President Trump is the equivalent of defeating the British and the Confederacy because he's a ‘threat to democracy of a kind we have not seen.’ Only been a little over a month since the guy was nearly assassinated BTW."

**9.** PR specialist Chris Barron asked, "Remind me again which side is threatening political violence?"

**10.** Pro-Trump commentator Collin Rugg made the same point, adding, "Says the woman who staged a coup on the democratically nominated candidate."