Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reportedly working behind the scenes to get President Biden to step aside, despite his repeated statements that he will remain in the race.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is reportedly working behind the scenes to get President Biden to step aside and allow a different Democrat to face former President Trump in November's election. Pelosi is concerned that Biden's age and mental fitness make him a liability in the race against Trump, who she believes represents an existential threat to democracy.

According to a stunning report published by Politico on Monday, Pelosi is "convinced" that Biden remaining on the ticket would cost her party the White House. She has been working the phones since June 27 in hopes of finding a way to ease him off the ticket.

Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

Pelosi's efforts are said to have intensified in recent weeks, following Biden's poor performance in a debate with Trump. Last week, Pelosi insinuated that there is still a decision to be made about whether Biden will run again.

"It's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We are all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short," Pelosi told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday.

Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

Many took her comments as a sign that she wants Biden to drop out. Pelosi's office has not responded to a request for comment.

Pelosi's move comes as a growing number of Democrats are expressing concerns about Biden's mental fitness for office. Biden has made a number of gaffes and missteps in recent months, leading to speculation that he is not up to the demands of the presidency.

Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

In an interview with Fox News last week, former President Barack Obama said that he believes Biden is "capable" of serving as president. However, Obama also said that he is "worried" about Biden's age.

Biden has repeatedly insisted that he will remain in the race. However, he has not ruled out the possibility of stepping aside if he believes that he is not the best candidate to defeat Trump.

Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

Pelosi's Behind-the-Scenes Effort to Oust Biden Raises Concerns

The Politico report notes that Pelosi's behind-the-scenes role hasn't been fully revealed and may never be if she has her way. However, the report provides a glimpse into the growing unease within the Democratic party about Biden's candidacy.