Pelosi's Coup: Biden's Primary Votes Flushed Down the Toilet

Fox News host Sean Hannity slams the Democratic Party's "coup" after President Biden withdraws from the 2024 election, calling the primary votes for Biden "flushed down the toilet."

Fox News host Sean Hannity has denounced the Democratic Party's "coup" against President Biden, which he claims has rendered the primary votes cast for Biden meaningless.

Citing sources from the New York Post and others, Hannity alleges that Biden's decision to withdraw from the 2024 election was coerced by Democratic elites, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi's Coup: Biden's Primary Votes Flushed Down the Toilet

Pelosi's Coup: Biden's Primary Votes Flushed Down the Toilet

"One top Democrat telling Politico 'Nancy Pelosi made it very clear that Biden could do it the easy way or the hard way.'" Hannity continued, "She gave him three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way."

Hannity's comments come amid speculation that Pelosi and other Democrats were threatening to trigger the 25th amendment and remove Biden from office if he did not comply with the party's demands.

"Make no mistake, this was a coup inside the Democratic Party," Hannity declared.

Hannity also expressed outrage that the primary votes cast for Biden have been "flushed down the toilet," rendering them completely meaningless.

"The millions of primary votes around the country for Joe Biden have been flushed down the toilet, disenfranchised by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, and other DC Hollywood big donor elites," Hannity said.

Hannity's claims have been met with skepticism from some media outlets, who point out that Biden himself has not confirmed the allegations of coercion. However, Hannity remains steadfast in his belief that the Democratic Party has orchestrated a takeover of the presidency.

"These same Democratic overlords then unilaterally selected Joe's replacement, and that's Kamala Harris, at least as of tonight," Hannity said.

The allegations of a Democratic "coup" come as Biden faces growing criticism from within his own party over his age and perceived lack of energy. Some Democrats have openly questioned whether he is fit to run for a second term in 2024.

Biden has denied that he is planning to withdraw from the race, but the speculation surrounding his future has cast a shadow over his presidency.

The Democratic National Committee has not yet commented on Hannity's allegations, but it is likely that the party will face increased pressure to address the concerns of those who believe that Biden's withdrawal was not voluntary.