Pence Slams Biden's 'Totally Unacceptable' Threat to Withhold Aid from Israel

Former Vice President Mike Pence has accused President Biden of hypocrisy for threatening to withhold weapons from Israel if it enters the Gaza city of Rafah, considering Biden's previous support for impeaching then-President Trump for allegedly withholding aid. Pence calls Biden's actions a political ploy to appease the "Hamas apologist wing" of his party.

Pence Slams Biden's 'Totally Unacceptable' Threat to Withhold Aid from Israel

Former Vice President Mike Pence has vehemently denounced President Biden's decision to withhold weapons from Israel if it enters the southern Gaza city of Rafah, accusing Biden of hypocrisy and abandonment of an ally.

Pence Slams Biden's 'Totally Unacceptable' Threat to Withhold Aid from Israel

In a statement on X, the formerly known Twitter platform, Pence condemned Biden's comments as "totally unacceptable." He recalled the impeachment proceedings against former President Trump, who was accused of withholding foreign aid to Ukraine to pressure the country into investigating his political rivals.

"I’m old enough to remember when Democrats impeached another president for supposedly withholding foreign aid that had been approved by Congress," Pence wrote. "Stop the threats, Joe. America Stands with Israel."

Pence Slams Biden's 'Totally Unacceptable' Threat to Withhold Aid from Israel

Pence elaborated on his criticism in comments to Fox News Digital, asserting that Biden's move was a political calculation to appease the anti-Israel faction within his party.

"Israel is our ally and the only message we should be sending is that we will stand beside them until they finish the job in Gaza and eradicate Hamas, once and for all," Pence said. "Congress passed the legislation, President Biden signed it, and it is his job to execute it. He can’t withhold aid for political convenience."

Pence Slams Biden's 'Totally Unacceptable' Threat to Withhold Aid from Israel

Pence drew a parallel between Biden's actions and the impeachment proceedings against Trump, highlighting the Democrats' use of the same argument to allege that Trump had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 election.

"Israel is our most cherished ally," Pence stressed. "And they deserve American support to defeat Hamas – not to be used as a political pawn." 

Pence's remarks were echoed by several Republican lawmakers, including Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who called for similar impeachment proceedings against Biden based on the Trump-Ukraine precedent. Representative Beth Van Duyne of Texas introduced legislation to compel the Biden administration to deliver aid and support to Israel as approved by Congress.

In a statement in Hebrew on the eve of Israeli Independence Day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conveyed Israel's resolution to defend itself even if it means standing alone. Meanwhile, prominent hedge fund manager Bill Ackman criticized Biden's actions, calling it "one of the worst acts against an ally of a sitting president ever."

The White House has yet to respond to Pence's accusations.