Penn Anti-Israel Protesters Armed with Guides for Agitation and Escalation

Students and outside radicals on the University of Pennsylvania campus possess detailed instructions on how to escalate protests, construct improvised weapons, break into buildings, and administer medical aid during confrontations.

Penn Anti-Israel Protesters Armed with Guides for Agitation and Escalation

Exclusive documents obtained by Fox News Digital reveal a comprehensive guidebook circulating among anti-Israel activists at the University of Pennsylvania, providing detailed instructions on how to engage in disruptive protests and potentially escalate confrontations with law enforcement and campus authorities.

The 52-page guide, dubbed "FLOOD THE GATES: ESCALATE," encourages agitators to embrace radical tactics, including breaking into buildings, barricading doors, and employing makeshift weapons such as crowbars. It advises protesters to "take more risk" and "keep us safe by escalating."

Penn Anti-Israel Protesters Armed with Guides for Agitation and Escalation

Other sections of the guide provide instructions on how to build shields from trash cans, cut through locks with bolt cutters and angle grinders, and pry open windows and doors using crowbars. The guide specifically warns protesters against prying crowbars towards their faces.

The guide also contains detailed instructions on how to handle medical emergencies during protests, advising activists to have medics both inside and outside occupied buildings. It includes specific recommendations for treating pepper spray exposure and rubber bullet wounds.

Penn Anti-Israel Protesters Armed with Guides for Agitation and Escalation

Meanwhile, the guide emphasizes the importance of establishing a "propaganda team" to disseminate press releases, work with the media, and shape the narrative surrounding the protests. It advises against having an official spokesperson and urges protesters to avoid being branded as leaders.

The anti-Israel protests on Penn's campus are part of a nationwide wave of student activism that has targeted universities around the country. Radicals have staged occupations at Columbia University, UCLA, Harvard, and Yale, demanding divestment from Israel and protection for protesters on campus.

Penn Anti-Israel Protesters Armed with Guides for Agitation and Escalation

These protests have been fueled by left-wing organizations backed by dark money and liberal mega-donor George Soros, including the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP).

In response to the protests, law enforcement agencies have taken action to clear university encampments and restore order. At Columbia University, riot-clad NYPD officers stormed Hamilton Hall, the building occupied by anti-Israel protesters, and evacuated it in two hours.

Penn Anti-Israel Protesters Armed with Guides for Agitation and Escalation

Anti-Israel protests have also sparked concerns about the safety of Jewish students on campus. Some Jewish students have reported feeling intimidated and harassed, leading to warnings from university administrators to leave campus for their own safety.

The University of Pennsylvania spokesperson declined to comment on the leaked guides when contacted by Fox News Digital. The Philadelphia Police Department stated that their response to protests will be "based on the specific circumstances of each situation."

Penn Anti-Israel Protesters Armed with Guides for Agitation and EscalationPenn Anti-Israel Protesters Armed with Guides for Agitation and Escalation